Dropin replacement for rack-recaptcha that uses picatcha verification.
How to Use
First, install the library with: [sudo] gem install rack-picatcha
You have to require 'rack-picatcha' in your gemfile.
## Gemfile
gem 'rack-picatcha', :require => 'rack/picatcha'
Available options for `Rack::Picatcha` middleware are:
* :public_key -- your Picatcha API public key *(required)*
* :private_key -- your Picatcha API private key *(required)*
* :proxy_host -- the HTTP Proxy hostname *(optional)*
* :proxy_port -- the HTTP Proxy port *(optional)*
* :proxy_user -- the HTTP Proxy user *(optional, omit unless the proxy requires it)*
* :proxy_password -- the HTTP Proxy password *(optional, omit unless the proxy requires it)*
Now configure your app to use the middleware. This might be different across each web framework. Only tested with Sinatra
## app.rb
use Rack::Picatcha, :public_key => 'KEY', :private_key => 'SECRET'
helpers Rack::Picatcha::Helpers
## app/app.rb
use Rack::Picatcha, :public_key => 'KEY', :private_key => 'SECRET'
helpers Rack::Picatcha::Helpers
## application.rb:
module YourRailsAppName
class Application < Rails::Application
config.gem 'rack-picatcha', :lib => 'rack/picatcha'
config.middleware.use Rack::Picatcha, :public_key => 'KEY', :private_key => 'SECRET'
## application_helper.rb or whatever helper you want it in.
module ApplicationHelper
include Rack::Picatcha::Helpers
## application_controller.rb or whatever controller you want it in.
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
include Rack::Picatcha::Helpers
The Rack::Picatcha::Helpers
module (for Sinatra, Rails, Padrino) adds these methods to your app:
Return a picatcha form
picatcha_tag :challenge, :public_key => PUBLIC_KEY
To test whether or not the verification passed, you can use:
picatcha_valid? :picatcha => params[:picatcha], :private_key => "#{recaptcha_privatekey}"
The picatcha_valid?
helper can also be overloaded during tests. You
can set its response to either true or false by doing the following:
# Have picatcha_valid? return true
# Or have it return false
Rack::Picatcha.test_mode! :return => false
James Ayvaz - ayvazj
- drop in replacement for rack-recaptcha
Note on Patches/Pull Requests
- Fork the project.
- Make your feature addition or bug fix.
- Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
- Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
- Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
Copyright (c) 2012 James Ayvaz. See LICENSE for details.