Rack REST API Versioning

This Rack middleware adds support for RESTful API versioning. According to RESTful best practices, the API version should be specified using content negotiation and custom vendor MIME types. For example, if your application’s API supports multiple versions, a client can ask for a specific version like this:

GET /foo HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.foo.bar-v2+xml

Where “application/vnd.foo.bar-v2+xml” is vendor MIME type your application defines.

See this article: barelyenough.org/blog/2008/05/versioning-rest-web-services/ for more information about this practice.

This middleware is used like any other rack middleware:

use Rack::RestApiVersioning

When used, it extracts the version from the Accept header, and makes it available in the Rack environment hash as “api_version”:

app = lambda { |env
  puts env['api_version']
  [200, {}, []]

To simplify testing and debugging, this middleware also allows the version to be overriden using simple query string parameter:

GET /foo?version=2 HTTP/1.1

This will ask for version 2, no matter what the Accept header is set to.

Finally, a default version can be specified. This will be used if no version can be extracted:

use Rack::RestApiVersioning, :default_version => '2.0'

Copyright © 2010 Adam Cigánek <[email protected]>. Released under the terms of MIT License: www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php