Rack Side Include


Rack::RSI is an rack middleware which helps you assemble pages on similar lines of ESI without leaving the comfort of Ruby. Rack Side Include only support one feature of ESI i.e. <esi:include>. One of the key differentiator from esi standard it uses ERB rather than XML tags to assemble pages and it does not assemble pages outside the Application.


A fair bit of what ESI offers, is in the ESI language because Akamais customers cannot configure the Akamai edge proxies. While this is perfectly sensible for the Akamai business model, it is of little relevance for WebApps where the content-provider is in control of the servers.

Also if you do not want to use a separate tier for ESI, the ESI standard is too heavy to implement as a Rack Middleware.

ERB is much simpler to render and less CPU intensive interms of XML parsing and generating response.

Assembling pages inside the applications is chosen deliberately because the content for assembly is fetched from within the Rack stack without firing any HTTP requests to the server.

Potential Scenarios

Pages Decorated with Short Lived Information

Consider a case of high volume news website. Most pages on this website contains one article decorated by ads and a "hot news" box. Without the assembly the TTL for each of these articles need to be kept low, to keep decorations and in particular "hot news" box fresh.

Rack Server Include assembly middleware allows you to break the page into different fragments which can be cached differently and are assembled just before serving the request to the client. In above case article can be cached for an infinitely long time, with a directive to tell the middle where what and where to include the "hot news" box from.

Each part of the section and the page containing the rack side include directive can be cached differently.

Creating Dashboards

Consider an admin dashboard of an ecommerce website which shows the new orders and new products added on the system.

If we are not using assembly middleware you would require to populate relevant order and product object in dashboard controller which is not well organized. Ideally orders controller should fetch order objects and products controller should fetch the products.

Rack Server Include assembly lets you achieve this by calling two include directives. One to new orders and one to new products which will be served by orders and products controller respectively.

This can really help you keep you application slim and well-organized.

How do I use in Rails 3

in Gemfile

gem 'rack-rsi', :require => 'rack/rsi'

in config/application.rb

# Rack::RSI should be loaded high up the Rack Middleware Stack
config.middleware.insert_before ActionDispatch::Callbacks, Rack::RSI

in controller action

def foo_action
  # Notify Rack::RSI to process this request
  headers['rack.rsi'] = '1'

in view template foo_action.html.erb

<%%= rsi_include( '/path/to_include' ) %>

NOTE please make sure you write the target path as strings rather than method names e.g.:

<%%= rsi_include( '/contacts/1' ) %>

Or if you want to use path helpers than trick ERB to generate ERB tags as follows:

<%= "<%= rsi_include( '#{contact_path(1)}' ) ".html_safe %> %>

How do I use it with Bare Rack Apps

look for hello_world_app.rb in examples folder

cd examples


  • Only GET requests are supported as rack side includes
  • Include requests should not return redirect response
  • There should be no ERB tags other than ones invoking rsi_include.


Copyright © 2011 Ram Singla. Released under MIT License.