Rack Stubs

Rack middleware for stubbing responses from HTTP web services.


gem install rack-stubs

Using the server middleware

rack-stubs is implemented as rack middleware, so you would typically host it as part of a rack web app. You can write a rack configuration (config.ru) like this if you want to get started:

require 'rubygems'
require 'rack-stubs'

use RackStubs::Middleware
run lambda { |e| [404, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain' }, ["Not found"]] }

Then you can run the rackup binary:


…and you’ll have a server with rack-stubs running at

To create a stub response, let’s say we want HTTP GET requests to /foo to return an HTTP 200 status, with the body “bar” and the content type “text/plain”. Using a REST tool of some kind (you could use the rest-client ruby gem or the poster firefox plugin) you can now set this up by making the following HTTP request:

method  : POST
action  :
body    : { "GET" : [200, { "Content-Type": "text/plain" }, ["bar"]] }
headers : Content-Type=application/json+rack-stub

All subsequent requests to should now respond with HTTP 200 status, Content-Type=text/plain and the body “bar”. The body is json, but it’s essentially implemented as a hash of simple rack-style response tuples.

You can also see a list of all stub responses via GET /rack_stubs/list and clear all stub responses via POST /rack_stubs/clear

Using the client

To use rack-stubs from Ruby without diving down into REST, rack-stubs includes a small client library. To set up the same behaviour as specified above, you would use the client like this:

client = RackStubs::Client.new("")
client.get("/foo").returns(200, { "Content-Type" => "text/plain" }, "bar")

You might want to clear all stub responses, say between test cases, like so:
