
Rack::GridThumb is used to dynamically create thumbnails when in front of rack_grid.
You should run Rack::GridThumb behind a cache such as Varnish or Rack::Cache


# gem install rack_grid_thumb

Usage Example with Sinatra.

# app.rb
require 'rack_grid'
require 'rack_grid_thumb'

configure do
use Rack::GridThumb, :prefix => 'grid'
use Rack::Grid, :prefix => 'grid'

# view.erb
<img src="/grid/4ba69fde8c8f369a6e000003_50x50.jpg" alt="My Image" />


/#prefix/# # => Crop and resize to 50x50
/#{prefix/# # => Crop and resize with northwest gravity
/#{prefix/# # => Resize to a width of 50, preserving AR
/#{prefix/#{uid}_x50.jpg # => Resize to a height of 50, preserving AR

To prevent pesky end-users and bots from flooding your application with
render requests you can set up Rack::Thumb to check for an SHA-1 signature
that is unique to every url. Using this option, only thumbnails requested
by your templates will be valid. Example:

use Rack::Thumb, {
:secret => "My secret",
:keylength => "16" # => Only use 16 digits of the SHA-1 key

You can then use your +secret+ to generate secure links in your templates:

/#prefix/# # => Successful
/#{prefix/#{uid}_120x250-a267c193a7eff046.jpg # => Returns a bad request error

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