rack_my_openid - a one-user OpenID provider solution for rack

So you have a Rack/Sinatra/Rails-powered blog and you want to make it an OpenID?

Now you can do it in under 5 minutes.

Operation details

Rack_my_openid is a simple, single-user OpenID provider inspired by (now deprecated) phpMyId. It uses

  • ruby-openid for the protocol implementation;
  • simple Yaml files for storing configuration;
  • in-memory storage for authentication data;
  • HTTP Digest authentication for security;
  • Sinatra and Rack as the server backend.

It's designed to be drop-in compatible with any Rails application, since implementing OpenID is a confusing exercise even with ruby-openid. I extracted it from my own site/blog and am continuing to use it there.

It's fully covered by RSpec tests.

See the OpenID specs if you really want to understand how the whole thing works.

Installation - Rails 3

  • Add the rack_my_openid gem to your Gemfile
  • Add this to your routes:

    openid_provider = RackMyOpenid::Provider.new(YAML.load_file('config/rack_my_openid.yml'))
    match '/openid' => openid_provider 
    match '/openid/*whatever' => openid_provider 

    The /openid path can't be changed, as of this release.

  • Create a config/rack_my_openid.yml file (see below)

  • Restart your Rails app and you're good to go.

  • If you make any changes to the config you'll have to restart the app to pick them up.

Installation - Standalone

This assumes that the OpenID is the root path.

  • Install the rack_my_openid gem.
  • Create a config.ru in your desired path with these contents:

    require 'rack_my_openid'
    run RackMyOpenid::Provider.new(YAML.load_file('rack_my_openid.yml'))
  • Create a rack_my_openid.yml file (see below) in the same path

  • Create empty /public and /tmp directories in the same path

  • Deploy with Passenger, Rackup or whatever Rack handler you fancy.


This is a simple flat Yaml file. The keys are symbols (as of this release).

  • :credentials - run md5 -s 'yourusername:rack_my_openid:yourpassword' (or replace rack_my_openid with your realm name if you changed it);
  • :openid - the actual OpenID identifier that you want to provide;
  • :realm - the realm for HTTP Digest auth. The default is "rack_my_openid", why would you change it?
  • :endpoint_url - the URL of the OpenID endpoint (the one that's '/openid'). You shouldn't explicitly declare it


  • Support stores other than memory store
  • Support SReg data provision

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(c) Leonid Shevtsov http://leonid.shevtsov.me