Rails Event Sourcing

This gem provides features to setup an event sourcing application using ActiveRecord. ActiveJob is necessary only to use async callbacks.

DISCLAIMER: this project is in alpha stage

The main components are:

  • event: model used to track state changes for an entity;
  • command: wrap events creation;
  • dispatcher: events' callbacks (sync and async).

This gem adds a layer to handle events for the underlying application models. In short:

  • an event model is created for each "event-ed" application model;
  • every change to an application model (named aggregate in the event perspective) is stored in an event record;
  • querying application models is the same as usual;
  • writing changes to application entities is applied creating events.

A sample workflow can be:

# I have a plain Post model:
post = Post.find(1)
# When I need to update that post:
Posts::ChangedDescription.create!(post: post, description: 'My beautiful post content')
# When I need to create a new post:
Posts::Created.create!(title: 'New post!', description: 'Another beautiful post')
# I can query the events for an aggregated entity:
events = Posts::Event.events_for(post) # Posts::Event is usually a base class for all events for an aggregate (using STI)
# I can rollback to a specific version of the aggregated entity:
events[2].rollback! # the aggregated entity is restored to the specific state, the events above that point are removed

The project is based on a demo app proposed by Philippe Creux and his video presentation for Rails Conf 2019:

Event Sourcing made Simple by Philippe Creux

Please :star: if you like it.


  • Add to your Gemfile: gem 'rails-event-sourcing' (and execute bundle)
  • Create a migration per model to store the related events, example for User: bin/rails generate migration CreateUserEvents type:string user:reference data:text metadata:text
  • Create the events, example for Users::Created:

    module Users
    class Created < RailsEventSourcing::BaseEvent
    self.table_name = 'user_events' # usually this fits better in a base class using STI
    belongs_to :user, autosave: false
    data_attributes :name
    def apply(user)
      # this method will be applied when the event is created
      user.name = name
  • Invoke an event with: Users::Created.create!(name: 'Some user')

  • Optionally create a Command, example:

    module Users
    class CreateCommand
    include RailsEventSourcing::Command
    attributes :user, :name
    def build_event
      # this method will be applied when the command is executed
      Users::Created.new(user_id: user.id, name: name)
  • Invoke a command with: Users::CreateCommand.call(name: 'Some name')


Please take a look at the dummy app for a detailed example.


TodoLists::Created.create!(name: 'My TODO 1')
TodoLists::NameUpdated.create!(name: 'My TODO!', todo_list: TodoList.first)
TodoItems::Created.create!(todo_list_id: TodoList.first.id, name: 'First item')
TodoItems::Completed.create!(todo_item: TodoItem.last)


TodoLists::Create.call(name: 'My todo')
TodoItems::Create.call(todo_list: TodoList.first, name: 'Some task')


class TodoItemsDispatcher < RailsEventSourcing::EventDispatcher
  on TodoItems::Created, trigger: ->(todo_item) { puts ">>> TodoItems::Created [##{todo_item.id}]" }
  on TodoItems::Completed, async: Notifications::TodoItems::Completed
# Now when the event TodoItems::Created is created the trigger callback is executed

To do

  • [ ] Generators for events, commands and dispatchers
  • [ ] Database specific optimizations
  • [ ] Add more usage examples

Do you like it? Star it!

If you use this component just star it. A developer is more motivated to improve a project when there is some interest.

Or consider offering me a coffee, it's a small thing but it is greatly appreciated: about me.



The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.