Haml JavaScript (JST) Templates for Rails
Lets you use https://github.com/uglyog/clientside-haml-js templates in the Rails asset pipeline.
No need to download haml.js, this gem includes the haml.js file for you.
- Requires ExecJS
- Requires CoffeeScript
Why another Haml in JavaScript gem?
Uglyog's library lets you use coffeescript, which allows the embedded JavaScript in your Haml templates to be much more beautiful and Ruby-like. While I'm not the biggest fan of coffeescript for actual javascript coding, it's the perfect solution for haml templates.
The other gems use creationix's library.
The gem hooks in to the asset pipeline to give you precompiled haml templates which are actually blazing fast for the user and should be perfectly compatible with production environments.
Add this line to your Gemfile
gem 'rails-hamljs', :git => 'git://github.com/rocksolidwebdesign/rails-hamljs'
Simply add JST templates with an extension of .haml
to your javascript templates directory
And of course, be sure to
//= require_tree ./templates
in the correct order so that the global JST
variable is available.
Then, as with other JST templates such as ECO and EJS, you may access your templates from the JST
var template = JST["templates/foo"];
var htmlOutput = template({
someVar: "someValue",
someOtherVar: "someOtherVal"
Toggle whose library to use (creationix or uglyog) Toggle coffeescript (if using uglyog's library)