Rails Server Monitor

A performance dashboard for rails applications which work with one or multiple servers at once. Stats can be collected from a Rack application or Sidekiq.

See it in action

demo demo



gem 'rails-server-monitor', require: "rails_server_monitor"

2) generate Rails Server Monitor tables

rails g rails_server_monitor:install
rails db:migrate

3) hook Rails Server Monitor's rack middleware

# inside config/application.rb
config.middleware.use RailsServerMonitor::RackMiddleware

4) compile Rails Server Monitor assets locally

if you aren't using webpacker already

# you don't need to do this in production, it's prepended to rake assets:precompile
# but you need to do it again after you after you update the gem locally
rake webpacker:compile 

or if you are using

# inside bin/webpack-dev-server
require "rails_server_monitor/compile_locally"

# insert before this before
# Dir.chdir(APP_ROOT) do
#   Webpacker::DevServerRunner.run(ARGV)
# end

5) (Optional) configure gem

# inside config/initializers/rails_server_monitor

RailsServerMonitor.config do |c|
  c.update_server_interval = 1.hour 
  c.snapshot_server_interval = 15.minutes
  c.cleanup_snapshots_after = 90.days
  c.ignore_workers = %w(MyIgnoredWorker)
  c.ignore_urls = ["/", /ignored-url/]

  c.high_cpu_usage_threshold = 95
  c.low_memory_threshold = 20
  c.low_free_disk_disk_threshold = 30
  c.hostname = -> do
  end # how to retrieve server hostname, heroku generates a hostname each time your app reboots

6) Mount engine to routes

# inside config/routes.rb
constraints LoggedInAsAdmin do
  mount RailsServerMonitor::Engine => "/system-information"

Your should define a constraint to protect against unauthorized access

# example LoggedInAsAdmin, this is a basic implementation

class LoggedInAsAdmin
  def self.matches?(request)
    AdminUser.find_by(id: request.session[:admin_id]).present?

7) (Optional) Add sidekiq middleware

# append to config/sidekiq.rb

Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
  config.server_middleware do |chain|
    chain.add RailsServerMonitor::SidekiqMiddleware

8) Result

you should now go to http://localhost:3000/system-information


Everyone is encouraged to help improve this project. Here are a few ways you can help:


# fork project, clone
bundle install
yarn install

bin/start # to start local server
bin/rspec # to run specs


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.