Rails Layout Gem Rails Layout Gem

Rails Layout is a utility gem you can use during development to set up a default application layout with partials for Rails flash messages and navigation links. It is a Rails generator that you add to your Rails application Gemfile.

The Rails Layout gem generates application layout files:

  • app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
  • app/views/layouts/_messages.html.erb
  • app/views/layouts/_navigation.html.erb

There are options to generate layout files suitable for use with the following front-end frameworks:

  • simple – simple layout
  • bootstrap2 – Twitter Bootstrap 2.3
  • (more to come)


Add it to your Rails application Gemfile:

group :development do
  gem 'rails_layout'

If you want to use a newer unreleased version from GitHub:

group :development do
  gem 'rails_layout', github: 'RailsApps/rails_layout'

Use Bundler to install the gem:

$ bundle install

Simple Layout

To create a set of simple layout files:

$ rails generate layout simple

Twitter Bootstrap 2.3 Layout

To create layout files for use with Twitter Bootstrap 2.3:

$ rails generate layout bootstrap2


To see help messages:

$ rails generate layout --help


Any issues? Please create an issue on GitHub. Reporting issues (and patching!) helps everyone.


Daniel Kehoe maintains this gem as part of the RailsApps project.

Please see the CHANGELOG for a list of contributors.

Is the gem useful to you? Follow the project on Twitter: @rails_apps. I’d love to know you were helped out by the gem.

MIT License

MIT License

Copyright © 2013 Daniel Kehoe