Rails Setup

Make it easier for developers to get your rails app up and running with a little help from Rails Setup. Rails Setup adds a few handy rake tasks which will empower you to create a rake setup task that looks like this:

desc "Setup my awesome app"
setup_task :setup do
  puts "#{heart} Thanks for helping us out!" # Show developers you <3 them

  section "Database" do # Outputs a nice looking header
    silence do          # Hide noisy output from other rake tasks

    done "Database" # Display a nice checkbox so developers know you are done

  section "Use Highline" do
    if console.agree("Isn't this really cool?")
      puts 100.times.map { heart }.join

and outputs prompts like this:

rake setup in action


Add this to your app's Gemfile

gem 'rails_setup'

Then create a new file in lib/tasks called setup.rake with some small boilerplate code

desc "Setup this application"
setup_task :setup do
  puts "#{heart} Thanks for helping us out!" # Show developers you <3 them

  # Do all your setup tasks (create secret_token / database.yml, etc) here.


Features and bugs are tracked through Github Issues.

Contributors retain copyright to their work but must agree to release their contributions under the same terms as this project. For details, please see the LICENSE file.

If you would like to help with developing Rails Setup, please get in touch! Contact Jordan through GitHub (@jordanbyron) or Twitter (@jordan_byron).