
The Rain8net device is an RS232 controlled sprinkler controller. The "net" in Rain8net refers to the device's ability to be expanded with with several networked modules. This ruby library can be used to control any number of Rain8net devices from your ruby app.

More information about the Rain8 series of products can be found at WGL Designs.


NOTE: You must install ruby-serialport in order to use this library: https://github.com/hparra/ruby-serialport


sudo gem install serialport
sudo gem install rain8net

or, put this in your Gemfile:

gem 'serialport'
gem 'rain8net'


r8 = Rain8net.new(tty: 0)
sleep(30) # run for 30 seconds...
puts r8.zone_status(1) # => true
puts r8.zone_status(2) # => false


  • Be sure the user running your rails application has R/W access to the serial port. (try: chmod 777 /dev/ttyS0)
  • If you have more than 1 module in your setup, be sure to configure the address of each device using the manufacturer's configuration program.