Rambo - The alternative web framework for Ruby


To install the gem:

sudo gem install rambo

Hello World Example

Smallest example, create a file called HomeController.rb with:

class HomeController < Rambo::Controller
  def index
    "hello world"

Now create a config.ru file to tell rack how to run the application eg:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'rubygems'
require 'rambo'

app = Rambo::Server.new

run app

Now you can run it with your favourite rack-based server, eg:

thin start -R config.ru

Creating a new application

Use the rambo executable to create a new skeleton application:

rambo blog

This should generate the minimal skeleton like this:

Generating application blog ...
creating blog/
creating blog/controller/BlogController.rb
creating blog/rambo.yml
creating blog/config.ru

Run the example using:


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  • No Ruby object base class modifications
  • Lightweight and fast
  • Rack-based so works with most web servers (thin, mongrel, passenger)
  • Web applications can be deployed to Heroku
  • fast static file serving
  • Template agnostic
  • Database agnostic
  • Library only 60k