=Random Word Generator

The Random Word Generator is a very simple library with a very limited usage.
Its primary purpose is to generate a random string based on English dictionary words.

Born from a ruby challenge, I figured that this gem could be helpful to generate activation codes easy for people to remember.

* sqlite3
* sqlite3-ruby


Generate a random word:

Generate a random word of a specific length:

Generate a string composed of random words where the sum of the length of the words is equal to a specific value:
RandomWordGenerator.composed(2, 15)


>> require 'random_word_generator'
>> RandomWordGenerator.word
>> RandomWordGenerator.word
>> RandomWordGenerator.of_length(15)
>> RandomWordGenerator.of_length(15)
>> RandomWordGenerator.of_length(7)

>> RandomWordGenerator.composed(2, 15)
"yows woodcarver"
>> RandomWordGenerator.composed(2, 15)
"swamplands thew"
>> RandomWordGenerator.composed(2, 20, '-')
>> RandomWordGenerator.composed(3, 27, '|')

(look at the spec folder for more usage examples)