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Reads RDF N-Triple/N-Quads that are sorted by subject and append a JSON/JSON-LD document per line in a designated output file.

Usage: rdf2json [options] --input filename.nt --output filename.json


RDF N-Triples/N-Quads need to be sorted by subject, so that it is possible to output JSON/JSON-LD documents on-the-fly, without holding the entire input in memory or falling back to time consuming file-pointer seek operations.

Both RDF formats can be sorted on Mac OS X and Linux using the following shell command:


Required options

  • -i, --input FILE: Input file for the conversion; either RDF N-Triples or N-Quads.
  • -o, --output FILE: Output file to which JSON-LD/JSON is appended.


  • -m, --minimize: Minimize JSON-LD to plain (semantically untyped) JSON.
  • -n, --namespace [NAMESPACE]: Alternative name for JSON-LD's "@id" key; replaces it; turns on --minimize
  • -p, --prefix [PREFIX]: Prefix that should be removed from keys; requires --minimize.
  • -t, --triples: Input file is in RDF N-Triples format.
  • -q, --quads: Input file is in RDF N-Quads format.

Common options

  • -s, --silent: Do not output summary statistics.
  • -v, --version: Displays the version number of the software.
  • -h, --help: Show this message.

JSON output (--minimize option)

  • replaces "@id" keys with an alternative name if the --namespace option is present
  • keys that start with the prefix of --prefix are shortened (prefix is removed)
  • array contents are "lifted up", i.e. for each entry of the array:
    • hashes with a "@value" key are replaced by the value of "@value", or else
    • hashes with a "@id" key are replaced by the value of "@id", or else
    • the array value is left unchanged
  • removes all "@type" key/value pairs


gem install rdf2json

Project home page

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This Biogem is published at (http://biogems.info/index.html#bio-rdf2json)

Copyright (c) 2014 Joachim Baran. See LICENSE.txt for further details.