
Readme documentation prettifier

Reacco is a dead simple documentation generator that lets you document your project using Markdown.



Install Reacco first. It is a Ruby gem.

$ gem install reacco


To generate documentation, type reacco. This takes your file and prettifies it.

$ reacco

Literate style blocks

To make literate-style blocks (that is, code on the right, explanation on the left), use reacco --literate.

$ reacco --literate

Documenting API

To extract documentation from your code files, add --api <path here>. This extracts comment blocks from files in that path.

As Reacco only parses out Markdown from your comments, almost all programming languages are supported. It does not care about code at all, just comments.

$ reacco --literate --api lib/

Documenting classes

You will need to add Markdown comment blocks to your code. The first line needs to be a Markdown heading in the form of ### <heading name>.

Classes are often made to be H2's.

# ## Reacco [class]
# The main class.
# Class documentation goes here in Markdown form.
class Reacco

Documenting class methods

Class methods are often made as H3's. Sub-sections are often always H4's.

# ## Reacco [class]
# The main class.
class Reacco
  # ### version [class method]
  # Returns a string of the library's version.
  # #### Example
  # This example returns the version.
  #     Reacco.version
  #     #=> "0.0.1"
  def self.version

Adding the placeholder

To specify where the docs will be in the README, put a line with the text [](#api_reference). This will tell Reacco where to "inject" your API documentation.

Please see [](#api_reference)

API reference

For usage and API reference, please see


Here be dragons! this is mostly made for my own projects, so I may change things quite often (though I'd try to be mostly API-compatible with older versions).


© 2011, Rico Sta. Cruz. Released under the MIT License.

Reacco is authored and maintained by Rico Sta. Cruz with help from it's contributors. It is sponsored by my startup, Sinefunc, Inc.