
User Friendly Project Assitant for Ruby

What’s This?

Reap is a user friendly project assistant for Ruby developers. By organizing your project in a semi-formal manner (the same as setup.rb), Reap makes it easy to do the following tasks:

  • Generate RDocs.

  • Run unit tests.

  • Create Ruby Gem packages.

  • Create standard .tar.gz, tar.bzip2 and/or .zip packages.

  • Publish documents to Rubyforge or other web sites.

  • Preform a traditional install (calls setup.rb).

  • Announce a release to Ruby-talk or other mailing list.

  • Prepare files for distribution (i.e. chmod, tag, etc.).

  • Upload packages (coming soon!).

If you have special needs that Reap doesn’t accomodate, new task are farily easy to create. And we are always happy to hear suggestions.


Gem Install

Install the ruby gem as you would any other:

<tt>gem install reap</tt>

Reap is part of the Ruby clibre project and requires supporting calibre libraries, Facets and Carats, so they will also be installed.

Manual Install

To install manually follw the usiusl setup.eb steps:

  1. Download the compressed package.

  2. Unpack it.

  3. Change into the unpacked directory.

  4. run ./setup.rb

You should be good to go.


Reap is currently Usable Beta. Most of the tasks work very well. Refinement are still coomon though, and a few important tasks are still being planned.

Reap Copyright©2004-2005 Thomas Sawyer Ruby License