
This gem provides easy integration between redactor.js and Amazon S3 for rails applications

Getting started

  1. Add the gem:

    gem 'redactor_s3'
  2. Mount it inside your routes:

    mount RedactorS3::Engine => "/s3"
  3. Run the installer:

    rails generate redactor_s3:install

Dont forget to edit the config file


To use it you need to render some hidden fields in the views where you will be using redactor


# edit.html.rb
<textarea class="redactor"></textarea>
<%= render 'redactor_s3/config' %>

You then need to configure your redactor instance in jquery:

# edit.js
    imageUpload: $("#aws_endpoint").val(),
    uploadCrossDomain: true,
    uploadFields: {
        'key': '#aws_key',
        'AWSAccessKeyId': '#aws_access_key',
        'acl': '#aws_acl',
        'success_action_redirect': '#aws_success_path',
        'policy': '#aws_policy',
        'signature': '#aws_signature',
        'Content-Type': '#aws_content_type'
    imageGetJson: $("#aws_files_path").val()

You should now be good to go


This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.