A Ruby client for the RedisJSON module of the Redis Stack.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'redis-json', '~> 1.0'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or you can install the gem on its own:

gem install redis-json


This gem builds on the redis-rb gem. It add a Redis#json method, through which you can call the JSON-specific Redis commands:

redis =

hash = {
  number: 1,
  string: 'example',
  empty_object: {}
redis.json.set 'key', hash, path: '$' # => OK

Input values will be converted to JSON strings using JSON.generate, and returned JSON strings will be parsed to Ruby objects using JSON.parse. You can use, respectively, generate_options and parse_options to specify options that will be passed on to the JSON methods:

r.json.get 'key'
# => {'number' => 10}

r.json.get 'key', parse_options: {symbolize_names: true}
# => {:number => 10}

The methods are defined to be as similar as possible to the respective RedisJSON commands. key and value parameters become positional arguments, while more "option-like" parameters become keyword arguments (for example, the NX and XX parameters of the JSON.SET command become the nx: and xx: keyword arguments of the set method). The exception to this rule is path: to allow for the different combinations of default and variadic arguments, path is a keyword argument for all methods except get and mset.

Version numbers

RedisJSON loosely follows Semantic Versioning, with a hard guarantee that breaking changes to the public API will always coincide with an increase to the MAJOR number.

Version numbers are in three parts: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.

  • Breaking changes to the public API increment the MAJOR. There may also be changes that would otherwise increase the MINOR or the PATCH.
  • Additions, deprecations, and "big" non breaking changes to the public API increment the MINOR. There may also be changes that would otherwise increase the PATCH.
  • Bug fixes and "small" non breaking changes to the public API increment the PATCH.

Notice that any feature deprecated by a minor release can be expected to be removed by the next major release.


Full list of changes in


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.