# RedisCaptcha

RedisCaptcha is a captcha engine base on Redis for Rails 3.2. It provides simple captcha that can be read by human.

## Features

  • RedisCaptcha is easy to setup, easy to use.

  • RedisCaptcha provides simple captcha that can be read by human.

  • You don’t have to manage image files because they will be removed by Tempfile.

  • You can set option ‘locked_times` and `locked_time` to avoid someone who want to attack.

  • The Captcha will be Expired automatically by setting ‘expired_time`.

  • .…..

## Requirements

  • Ruby >= 1.9

  • Rails > 3.2

  • Redis > 2.4

  • ImageMagick

*I haven’t tried lower version yet.*

## Getting started

**1. Add RedisCaptcha to your gemfile**

“‘ruby gem ’redis_captcha’ “‘

**2. Generate initializer**

rails g redis_captcha:install

It’ll generate ‘config/initializers/redis_captcha.rb`, and you can configure all options here.

**3. Mount RedisCaptcha::Engine in your router.rb**

“‘ruby mount RedisCaptcha::Engine => ’/captcha’, :as => :captcha “‘

**4. Add before_filter to your controller**

“‘ruby class PostsController < ApplicationController

before_filter :generate_captcha_key, :only => [:new, :edit]

end “‘

**4. Add module to your model**

“‘ruby class Post < ActiveRecord::Base

include RedisCaptcha::Model

end “‘

if you set ‘config.active_record.whitelist_attributes = true` in `config/application.rb`, remember to add attr_accessible to your model:

“‘ruby attr_accessible :captcha, :captcha_key “`

to your model.

**5. Use RedisCaptcha in your view**

“‘erb <%= image_tag(captcha_path(:timestamp => Time.now.to_i), :alt => “captcha”) %> <%= f.text_field :captcha %> <%= f.hidden_field :captcha_key, :value => session %> “`

**6. Use RedisCaptcha in your controller**


# Initialize a post
@post = Post.new(:title => "test")

# valid with captcha

# save with captcha

# valid without captcha

# save without captcha


Enjoy it!

## Todo list

  • To add a simple site

  • To write tests

## History


First Version

## Author

## License

This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.