
Integration of the HTML5 History API by way of the familiar data-remote attribute“

Full URL updating with AJAX = Full back button, reloading, and bookmark support!

This gem comes packaged with History.js v1.7.1 (jQuery HTML5 flavor) to interact with HTML5 History API and handle any browser implementation variances.


Put this line in your Gemfile:

gem 'remote_history'

Then bundle:

% bundle

Then require in your application.js

//= require remote_history


Do Nothing. It just works. Wherever you’ve implemented an ajax GET request using rails’ remote: true option it will work!


  • This gem currently has zero testing coverage. SAD TROMBONE

  • Gem could probably use general refactoring (I’m no javascript wizard).

Special Thanks to:

Copyright © 2012 Brian McNabb. See MIT-LICENSE for further details.