|     RenderCow!       |
      \   ^__^
       \  (oo)\_______
          (__)\       )\/\
              ||----w |
              ||     ||

RenderCow cowpatches the Rails render method to allow you to directly use cowsay. Have you ever wanted to just render a cow? Well now you can!

See RenderCow in Action!


In your controller, replace calls with render plain: to render cowsay: or render cow:. (You can still use render plain: and render partial: and others too, but you get invested cow superpowers by this gem)

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  def index
    render cowsay: "Moo"

  def show
    render cow: "Mooo"

But that is not all! You also have the following render-options:

[:spongebob, :beavis, :bunny, :cheese, :cow, :daemon, :dragon, :elephant, :frogs, :ghostbusters, :kitty, :koala, :moose, :ren, :sheep, :stegosaurus, :stimpy, :turkey, :turtle, :tux]

So feel free to call render spongebob: iS thIs A mEme? from your controllers!

Note that SpongeBob does the meme talk automatically and there is no way to turn it off.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'render_cow'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install render_cow

This gem uses cowsay as the cow rendering engine. So this gem is just the Rails cow patch on the render method.


Feel free to contribute.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.