Require-Me Includes a DSL for requiring files and folders and some also some static utility functions which can be used in combination. These tools in combination facilitates managing requiring various subfolder structures.

Require DSL The following example code demonstrates how to use the Require DSL

require 'require_me' # include both the static require helpers and the DSL require language
require 'require_dsl'  # alternatively only include require_dsl (the DSL language)

# enter subfolder 'mira'
Folder.enter 'mira' do |folder|
  # from new location, enter a subdir
  folder.enter 'subdir' do |path|  # mira/subdir      

  # from new location, enter a subdir
  folder.enter 'another/subdir' do |path|           
    # use file blobs here

  # from new location, enter a subdir
  folder.enter 'a_subdir' do |path|         
    # matching and except are to be used as include and exclude filters
    # they each take a list containing regular expressions and strings
    # string arguments are postfixed with .rb internally if not present  
    folder.all('blip/**/*.rb').matching(/_mixin.rb/, /.*\/power/).except(/sound/, /disco/).require

    folder.enter 'sub_a' do |path|         
      folder.enter 'sub_b' do |path| # a_subdir/sub_a/sub_b         


If no argument, current path is used as initial folder

  <li>use current path as folder
Folder.enter do |folder| 
  folder.enter ‘game’ do |path|</li>
  <li>use static require functions
    Require.base_path path # set base path to use for Require</li>
  <li>include .rb files within data1, data2 but not within their subfolders (use recursive instead)
    Require.folders(‘data1’, ‘data2’)</li>
list = path.all(‘<strong>/</strong>.rb’)
puts list.matching(‘sound’, ‘network’).except(/sound/).show_require(:relative)

Static helpers Unit tests demonstrations how to use the static helpers (tests currently broken due to missing data files!):

Setting the base path

Setting global base_path

  <li>Set basepath to use for require
Require.base_path = File.dirname(<i><span class="caps">FILE</span></i>)  

Set basepath to use within block

  <li>Set basepath to use within block
Require.enter ‘sound’ do |path|
  Require.folders ‘data’ # can be used for any number of folders   
  Require.folder ‘data2’ # for one folder only

Override base_path

  <li>Override base_path
Require.folders ‘data’, {:base_path => File.dirname(<i><span class="caps">FILE</span></i>) + ’/../my/path}

Simple usage examples Require .rb files from a folder
  <li>To require .rb files in the folders ‘data’ and ‘data2’ (non-recursively)
Require.folders ‘data’, ‘data2’</li>
  <li>Same but recursively (recurse subtrees of folders)
Require.recursive ‘data’, ‘data2’ 

Simple debugging Get list of required files
  <li>To require all files within the top level folder ‘data’ (non-recursively)</li>
  <li>The required_files returned is a list of the paths of the files that were required
required_files = Require.folder 

Tracing mode (for debugging) Apply tracing to see output for the process of requiring the files
  <li>turn on tracing globally
  Require.tracing = :on
  Require.folder ‘data’</li>
  <li>turn off tracing globally
  Require.tracing = :off  

Alternatively pass tracing as an option


Verbose mode (for detailed debugging) Set verbose mode on to see full path of each required file
  <li>turn on tracing     
  Require.tracing = :on</li>
  <li>turn on verbose globally
  Require.verbose = :on

Require.recursive To require all files within the top level folder ‘data’ recursively
  <li>To require all files within the top level folder ‘data’ recursively 
required_files = Require.recursive ‘data’  

To require all files within the top level folders ‘data’ and ‘data2’ (non-recursively)

  <li>To require all files within the top level folders ‘data’ and ‘data2’ (non-recursively) 
required_files = Require.recursive ‘data’, ‘data2’  

To require all files within the top level folders ‘data’ and ‘data2’ recursively

  <li>To require all files within the top level folders ‘data’ and ‘data2’ recursively
required_files = Require.recursive ‘data’, ‘data2’

Require.folders To require files within the top level folders ‘data’ and ‘data2’ and also files within the subdirectory ‘blip’ if it exists
  <li>To require files within the top level folders ‘data’ and ‘data2’ and also files within the subdirectory ‘blip’ if it exists 
required_files = Require.folders ‘data’, ‘data2’, {:folders => ’blip’}  

To require files within ‘data/blip’ and ‘data2/blip’ only, NOT including the root files

  <li>To require files within ‘data/blip

To require files within ‘data’ and ‘data2’ first and then AFTER any files within the subdirectory ‘blip’ (default order)

  <li>To require files within ‘data’ and ‘data2’ first and then <span class="caps">AFTER</span> any files within the subdirectory 

To require files within ‘data/blip’ and ‘data2/blip’ first and then AFTER any files within ‘data’ and ‘data2’ folders (the root files)

required_files = Require.folders([

To require files within ‘data’ and ‘data2’ (the root files) first (BEFORE) and then any files within the subdirectories ‘blip’ and blap

required_files = Require.folders([


Copyright © 2010 Kristian Mandrup. See LICENSE for details.