Resque::Kalashnikov - fast, fiber-based URL hitter for Resque



It's EM, bro! Don't call sleep and other blocking stuff inside your job's methods!

For database-related tasks consider running some of adapters from (thanks @igrigorik!) or just have 2 Resques running different queues and reschedule

This gem manually handles GC. It must be disabled during the main loop. It's enabled internally each time before Redis poll. So, huge (ActiveRecord fetch from database * many times at once) can be painful for RAM

Resque's INTERVAL is yet meaningless. It's 0. Redis is polled with blpop. As such, please, set infinite timeout for server in /etc/redis.conf

timeout = 0

Currently, you cannot do QUEUE= * Please, list your queues

Beware hash ordering in enqueue options. If failed, these tasks would be encountered differently. Retried twice, if applicable. Sort it yourself.

Resque.enqueue ResqueKalashnikov::HttpRequest, 'http://some-url', a:1, b:2
Resque.enqueue ResqueKalashnikov::HttpRequest, 'http://some-url', b:2, a:1

Be sure your Resque is not running while testing. And don't run tests on production env


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'resque-kalashnikov', require: 'resque_kalashnikov'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install resque-kalashnikov

For WebUI:

gem 'resque-kalashnikov', require: ['resque_kalashnikov', 'resque_kalashnikov/server']

and be sure you have in config/routes.rb

mount Resque::Server, at: '/resque'


Start it as normal Resque

QUEUE='async_queue,sync_queue' bundle exec rake environment resque:fire

Enqueue ResqueKalashnikov::HttpRequest.

Resque.enqueue ResqueKalashnikov::HttpRequest, 'http://localhost:8081/', :post, foo: 'bar'

By default it retries all http codes in range 300-600 3 times. For customizing it do your own job.

class SlowHttpRequest < ResqueKalashnikov::HttpRequest
  @queue = :some_async_queue
  @retry_limit = 5 

Note, that @queue must match /async/


Test suite is provided with a small EM test webserver. It can be run manyally for acceptance tests without mocking the web.

Again, thanks @igrigorik!

Besides it's delay option, now it can also randomize HTTP anwser codes:

ruby spec/support/stub_server.rb 200 404 500

It runs on http://localhost:8081

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