
Has it ever bothered you how long bundle install command takes to run?

It has bothered me, so I wrote Rhinestone: a simple proxy caches both the gems and the gem metadata. It updates the cache after returning the response, so you get data that might be a little stale, but you get it very quickly. You should deploy it somewhere in your local network (so that more people use the same cache).


Just install it from RubyGems:

gem install rhinestone


It's as simple as running:


Rhinestone uses Goliath underneath, so there are more switches you can use:

$ rhinestone --help

Usage: <server> [options]

Server options:
    -e, --environment NAME           Set the execution environment (prod, dev or test) (default: development)
    -a, --address HOST               Bind to HOST address (default:
    -p, --port PORT                  Use PORT (default: 9000)
    -S, --socket FILE                Bind to unix domain socket

Daemon options:
    -u, --user USER                  Run as specified user
    -c, --config FILE                Config file (default: ./config/<server>.rb)
    -d, --daemonize                  Run daemonized in the background (default: false)
    -l, --log FILE                   Log to file (default: off)
    -s, --stdout                     Log to stdout (default: false)
    -P, --pid FILE                   Pid file (default: off)

SSL options:
        --ssl                        Enables SSL (default: off)
        --ssl-key FILE               Path to private key
        --ssl-cert FILE              Path to certificate
        --ssl-verify                 Enables SSL certificate verification

Common options:
    -v, --verbose                    Enable verbose logging (default: false)
    -h, --help                       Display help message