
This ripl plugin colorizes your results.


Install the gem with:

gem install ripl-color_result


Add to your ~/.riplrc

require 'ripl/color_result'

You can choose a :color_result_engine. By default, the bundled Wirble-like colorization is used. Possible other values are:

  • :ap - using the awesome_print gem

  • :coderay - using the coderay gem

Example (in your ~/.riplrc)

Ripl.config[:color_result_engine] = :coderay

Set it to nil to deactivate result colorization.

You can change the colors used by the default colorization by editing the :color_result_default_schema hash:

Ripl.config[:color_result_default_schema][:comma] = :green

If you use awesome_print, you can override default options using :color_result_ap_options hash:

Ripl.config[:color_result_ap_options] = { :multiline => false }


The default colorization uses code from Wirble

Copyright © 2010 Jan Lelis <>, see COPYING for details.

Plus contributions by cldwalker and DirtYiCE.
