
Middleman is a simple logging/caching proxy for Net::HTTP which can make developing against remote services easier (especially if they have API limits).

By default, it caches to a file, so the cache is persistent across multiple runs of your app.


gem sources -a http://gems.github.com sudo gem install rlivsey-middleman

Example usage

require 'rubygems'
require 'twitter'
gem 'middleman'
require 'middleman'

Twitter::Search.new('bacon') # makes the request to Twitter
Twitter::Search.new('bacon') # same search, so returns from the cache


Output information to the console

Middleman.options[:verbose] = true

Change the store used for the cache, see the 'stores' section below for more information, but it's basically an object which acts like a Hash

Middleman.options[:store] = {}

Change where verbose output is sent, by default it's STDOUT

Middleman.options[:logger] = Logger.new('middleman.log')


By default Middleman uses Middleman::Store::File to cache the requests to files in a directory. The file names are MD5 hashes of the request details.

The interface to Middleman::Store::File is basically a Hash, so any object which responds to [], []= and is enumerable can be used as a store.

Using a Hash for the store will work fine, but will not persist across runs of your application.


At the moment this only works against Net::HTTP. I've got plans to make it easier to extend and add the ability to work with other libraries such as Curb etc...

Feel free to fork and send in patches.
