RMagick 1.8.1 README

RMagick 1.8.1 README


Table Of Contents


RMagick is an interface between the Ruby programming language and the ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick image processing libraries.

Contact Information

Author: Tim Hunter

Email: rmagick@rubyforge.org

RubyForge: http://rubyforge.org/projects/rmagick/


O/S: Linux, Sun Solaris, Cygwin, FreeBSD, MS Windows 98 and later.

Ruby 1.6.7 or later. You can get Ruby from http://www.ruby-lang.org.

Either ImageMagick 6.0.0 or later, or any release of GraphicsMagick. GraphicsMagick is a friendly fork of ImageMagick 5.5.1. You can get ImageMagick from http://www.imagemagick.org. You can get GraphicsMagick from http://www.graphicsmagick.org. ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick have slightly different capabilities. Please consult their web sites if you have questions.

Tips for installing and configuring ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick

If you are installing RMagick by compiling the source code, I strongly encourage you to install the latest version of ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick from source. If you have never installed ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick before, I also strongly encourage you to read the README.txt file as many times as is necessary for you to understand how to configure it. ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick are large and complicated programs and can be difficult to configure. Follow these tips to minimize the amount of time you'll spend and your frustration level.

Do not simply type ./configure and expect the defaults to be correct for you. Since you are installing ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick to use with Ruby, consider whether you want to skip ImageMagick's/GraphicMagick's support for Perl and C++ by using the --without-perl and --without-magick-plus-plus options. Doing so will speed up the installation process and save some disk space. You will almost certainly want to specify the --enable-shared and --disable-static options.

Determine which image formats you are interested in using and make sure that you have installed the libraries that ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick uses to process these formats. ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick use additional libraries to support some image formats. If you do not install those libraries you cannot read and write those image formats. You will need to configure ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick to support the JPG, PNG, TIFF, and WMF formats in order to execute all the RMagick sample programs. See ImageMagick's or GraphicMagick's README.txt file for more information.

Once you have determined the configuration options you need, run the configure script. When it completes, read the summary output to see if configuration worked the way you expected. Here's an example of the summary output from ImageMagick's configure script. Notice that the result of each option is listed in the "Configured value" column.

                  Option                        Value
Shared libraries  --enable-shared=yes           yes
Static libraries  --enable-static=no            no
Module support    --with-modules=yes            yes
GNU ld            --with-gnu-ld=yes             yes
LZW support       --enable-lzw=yes              yes
Quantum depth     --with-quantum-depth=8        8

Delegate Configuration:
BZLIB             --with-bzlib=yes              yes
DPS               --with-dps=yes                yes
FlashPIX          --with-fpx=yes                no
FreeType 2.0      --with-ttf=yes                yes
Ghostscript       None                          gs (7.07.2)
Ghostscript fonts --with-gs-font-dir=default    /usr/share/fonts/default/Type1/
Ghostscript lib   --with-gslib=no               no
Graphviz          --with-dot=yes                no
JBIG              --with-jbig=yes               no
JPEG v1           --with-jpeg=yes               yes
JPEG-2000         --with-jp2=yes                no
LCMS              --with-lcms=yes               yes
Magick++          --with-magick-plus-plus=no    no
PERL              --with-perl=no                no
PNG               --with-png=yes                yes
TIFF              --with-tiff=yes               yes
Windows fonts     --with-windows-font-dir=/mnt/windows/windows/fonts    /mnt/windows/windows/fonts/
WMF               --with-wmf=yes                yes
X11               --with-x=                     yes
XML               --with-xml=yes                yes
ZLIB              --with-zlib=yes               yes

X11 Configuration:
  X_CFLAGS     = -I/usr/X11R6/include
  X_PRE_LIBS   = -lSM -lICE
  X_LIBS       = -L/usr/X11R6/lib

If the results are not what you wanted, install any missing libraries, choose new or different options, or whatever it takes, erase the config.cache file, and re-run configure. Repeat as often as necessary before moving to the make and make install steps.

Detailed information about all of ImageMagick's and GraphicsMagick's configuration options may be found in their README.txt and INSTALL.txt files.

Windows Metafile Format

As noted in the ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick README.txt files, to support images in the Windows Metafile format, ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick requires an additional library. Without this library some of the RMagick sample programs will not work. ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick require libwmf 0.2.5, 0.2.7, or 0.2.2 to support the WMF format. (Avoid libwmf 0.2.6!)

Installing RMagick

Installing RMagick is much simpler than installing ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick. Note that the make step runs all the example programs. This process both builds the example images used in the documentation and validates your RMagick installation. This step can take 5-15 minutes depending on the speed of your computer.

Configuration Options

Type ./configure --help to see a list of configuration options. In addition to the regular options, there are a few RMagick-specific options:

  • --with-doc-dir=directory

    Specify the directory to install the RMagick documentation. By default this is $prefix/share/RMagick, where $prefix is the prefix specified by --prefix. For example, to install the documentation in /home/user/RMagick, specify:

    ./configure --with-doc-dir=/home/user/RMagick

  • --enable-allow-example-errors

    Normally the documentation installation terminates if 5 examples fail. If you use this option, the installation does not check for failing examples and will always complete. This option is useful if you're having trouble installing RMagick and you want to see all the failing examples.

  • --with-graphics-magick

    If you have both ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick installed, this option will force RMagick to be configured with GraphicsMagick.

  • --with-so-dir=directory

    The directory for ruby extensions.

  • --with-ruby-path=directory

    The path to set the !# line in Ruby scripts. The default is $prefix/bin/ruby.

  • --with-ruby-prog=name

    The name of the Ruby executable. The default is ruby.

  • --with-make-prog=name

    The name of the make program.

  • --with-rbconfig=directory

    The directory of the rbconfig.rb file to use. The default is Ruby's rbconfig.

Running the configure and make scripts

De-compress the RMagick-1.8.1.tar.gz archive and enter the top directory. Then type:

$ ./configure <configuration options>
$ make
($ su)
$ make install
$ make clean

Things that can go wrong

Cannot open shared object file

When make is running the examples, if you get a message like this:

/home/you/RMagick-1.8.1/lib/RMagick.rb:11:in `require': libMagick.so.0:
  cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory -
  /home/you/RMagick-1.8.1/ext/RMagick/RMagick.so (LoadError)

you probably do not have the directory in which the ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick library is installed in your load path. An easy way to fix this is to define the directory in the LDLIBRARYPATH environment variable. For example, suppose you installed the GraphicsMagick library libGraphicsMagick.so in /usr/local/lib. (By default this is where it is installed.) Create the LDLIBRARYPATH variable like this:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib

On Linux, see ld(1) and ld.so(8) for more information. On other operating systems, see the documentation for the dynamic loading facility.

No such file or directory - "/tmp/rmagick6872.6"

When make is running the examples, if you get a message like this:

hook /home/me/src/RMagick-1.8.1/./post-setup.rb failed:
No such file or directory - "/tmp/rmagick6872.6"

you probably do not have a temporary directory environment variable set. Set the TMPDIR environment variable to your temporary directory. For example:

export TMPDIR=/home/me/tmp


If you upgrade to a newer release of ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick, make sure you're using a release of RMagick that supports that release. Usually I put out a new release of RMagick with every new release of ImageMagick. It's safe to install a newer release of RMagick over an earlier release.


The uninstall target will uninstall RMagick completely:

make uninstall

More samples

You can find more sample RMagick programs in the /example directory. These programs are not installed in the RMagick documentation tree.

Undocumented features

This release includes an extra feature that isn't in the documentation. The Magick module defines two methods that control ImageMagick's logging function. This function is not officially documented by ImageMagick, so I have decided not to add them to RMagick's documentation. However, you may find them helpful for debugging your application. (Caveat: these two methods may change behavior or be removed without advance notice! You are on your own!)

Magick::set_log_event_mask(event [,...])

The arguments are one or more "event domains". The setlogevent_mask method recognizes these event domains: "all", "annotate", "blob", "cache", "coder", "configure", "deprecate", "draw", "locale", "none", "resource", "transform", "user", and "x11". ImageMagick events that match the mask are logged. The default domain is "none". For example,


Logging is controlled by the log.mgk file, which may be found in the same directory as the delegates.mgk files. (See ImageMagick's README.txt file.) The purpose of the entries in this file is undocumented, so your guess is as good as mine. Also, the meaning of the event domains and exactly what events are logged are undocumented.


The default log format is described in the log.mgk file. This method allows you to redefine the format at run-time. The format argument is a string similar to an fprintf format string. Each line in the log has the format described by the format string. Characters that are not control characters are printed as-is. The control characters are:

    %t - the current time
    %r - the elapsed time
    %u - the user time
    %p - the pid (process id)
    %m - the name of the ImageMagick source file that contains the
         function that generated the event
    %f - the name of the ImageMagick function that generated the event
    %l - the line number in the source file
    %d - the event domain (one of the event mask strings listed above)
    %e - the event name

For example, the default log format is:

    Magick::set_log_format("%t %r %u %p %m/%f/%l/%d:\n  %e")

Known issues

  1. gcc 3.2, during the "install.rb setup" step, issues the following warning. This does not indicate a problem.

    cc1: warning: changing search order for system directory "/usr/local/include"
    cc1: warning: as it has already been specified as a non-system directory

  2. With older releases of ImageMagick you may see this warning. It does not indicate a problem.

    /usr/include/sys/ipc.h:25:3: warning: #warning "Files using this header must be compiled with _SVID_SOURCE or _XOPEN_SOURCE"

Reporting bugs

Please report bugs in RMagick, its documentation, or its installation programs to me via the bug tracker on the RMagick project page at RubyForge. However, I can't help with Ruby installation and configuration or ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick installation and configuration. Please report problems with that software to their respective authors or distributors.


Thanks to

  • Akinori MUSHA, for his work making RMagick available on FreeBSD.
  • Tom Payne, for reporting bugs, sending me the Ruby 1.8.0 patches, and for the Gentoo ebuild.
  • Bob Friesenhahn, for GraphicsMagick. Also for his help with the RMagick installation and many other things.
  • Simple Systems, for hosting the RMagick documentation online.
  • Mike Williams, for the RMagick Debian package
  • ImageMagick Studio LLC, for ImageMagick and for hosting the RMagick documentation.
  • Kaspar Schiess, for the MS Windows gem.
  • Jeremy Hinegardner, for the amd64 patch.


Copyright ? 2005 by Timothy P. Hunter

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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