Rna gem

Build History

Rna is a ruby gem that provides simple DSL for generating node.json files required by chef-solo.


$ gem install rna


$ mkdir rna
$ cd rna
$ rna init

This will create starter config/rna.rb and config/s3.yml files.


config/rna.rb file

```ruby # This is starter example rna template. # This is meant be be modified to your needs. default_includes ‘base’ # Pre processing rules that run at the beginning before do if role != ‘base’ node[:application] = nil node[:deploy_code] = false node[:framework_env] = ‘production’ node[:repository] = nil end

node[:before] = 1 node[:chef_branch] = ‘prod’ if role =~ /^prod/ node[:chef_branch] = ‘master’ if role =~ /^stag/ end

settings[:sendgrid][:relayhost] = “smtp.sendgrid.net”


role ‘base’ do role_list [‘base’] end


role ‘prod-api-redis’, ‘stag-api-redis’ do run_list [‘base’,’api_redis’] end role ‘prod-api-app’, ‘stag-api-app’ do run_list [‘base’,’api_app’] node[:application] = ‘api’ node[:deploy_code] = true node[:database][:adapter] = “mysql” node[:database][:host] = “” node[:database][:user] = “user” node[:database][:pass] = “pass” node[:repository] = ‘[email protected]:owner/repo.git/api.git’ end role ‘prod-api-resque’, ‘stag-api-resque’ do includes ‘prod-api-app’ run_list [‘base’,’api_resque’] node[:workers] = 8 end

Post processing rules that run at the end

after do node[:after] = 2 node[:framework_env] = ‘production’ if role =~ /^prod/ node[:framework_env] = ‘staging’ if role =~ /^stag/

list = role.split(‘-‘) if list.size == 3 env, repo, role = list role_list [‘base’, “#repo_#role”] node[:application] = repo end end ```

Shared Settings

You might want a shared settings hash that you can use in only some of your roles.

ruby settings[:foo][:bar] = 1 settings[:foo][:baz] = 2

You can use this any where in your roles.

```ruby role ‘role1’ do node[:foo][:bar] = settings[:foo][:bar] end

role ‘role2’ do node[:foo][:bar] = settings[:foo][:bar] end

role ‘role3’ do node[:foo][:baz] = settings[:foo][:baz] end ```

Breaking up config/rna.rb

If you have a lot of roles, the config/rna.rb file can get unwieldy long. You can break up the rna.rb file and put role defintions in the config/rna directory. Any file in this directory will be automatically loaded.

An example is in the spec/project folder:

  • config/rna/api.rb
  • config/rna/blog.rb

Generating the json files

$ rna generate

Here is the example of the output looks like:


json { "before": 1, "role": "base", "run_list": [ "role[base]" ], "after": 2 }


json { "before": 1, "role": "prod-api-app", "run_list": [ "role[base]", "role[api_app]" ], "application": "api", "deploy_code": true, "database": { "adapter": "mysql", "host": "", "user": "user", "pass": "pass" }, "repository": "[email protected]:owner/repo.git/api.git", "after": 2, "framework_env": "production" }


json { "before": 1, "role": "prod-api-redis", "run_list": [ "role[base]", "role[api_redis]" ], "after": 2, "framework_env": "production", "application": "api" }


json { "before": 1, "role": "prod-api-resque", "run_list": [ "role[base]", "role[api_resque]" ], "application": "api", "deploy_code": true, "database": { "adapter": "mysql", "host": "", "user": "user", "pass": "pass" }, "repository": "[email protected]:owner/repo.git/api.git", "workers": 8, "after": 2, "framework_env": "production" }


json { "before": 1, "role": "stag-api-app", "run_list": [ "role[base]", "role[api_app]" ], "application": "api", "deploy_code": true, "database": { "adapter": "mysql", "host": "", "user": "user", "pass": "pass" }, "repository": "[email protected]:owner/repo.git/api.git", "after": 2, "framework_env": "staging" }


json { "before": 1, "role": "stag-api-redis", "run_list": [ "role[base]", "role[api_redis]" ], "after": 2, "framework_env": "staging", "application": "api" }


json { "before": 1, "role": "stag-api-resque", "run_list": [ "role[base]", "role[api_resque]" ], "application": "api", "deploy_code": true, "database": { "adapter": "mysql", "host": "", "user": "user", "pass": "pass" }, "repository": "[email protected]:owner/repo.git/api.git", "workers": 8, "after": 2, "framework_env": "staging" }

Uploading to S3

$ rna build -o s3 # saves s3 based on config/s3.yml settings

The config/s3.yml should look like this:

yaml access_key_id: hocuspocus secret_access_key: opensesame bucket: my-bucket folder: chef/rna