Class: Rod::Database

AbstractDatabase show all
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This class implements (in C) the Database abstraction defined in Rod::Database.

Instance of the class should not be used as the database (i.e. not in the macro-style function Rod::Model#database_class). A user should strongly consider subclassing it, since refraining from doing that, will not allow to use different databases for different models simultaneously. This is due to the way RubyInline creates and names (after the name of the class) the C code.

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from AbstractDatabase

#metadata, #path

Method Summary

Methods inherited from AbstractDatabase

#add_class, #allocate_join_elements, #allocate_polymorphic_join_elements, #clear_cache, #close_database, #count, #create_database, development_mode, development_mode=, #fast_intersection_size, #initialize, #join_index, #legacy_class?, #migrate_database, #open_database, #opened?, #polymorphic_join_class, #polymorphic_join_index, #print_layout, #print_system_error, #read_string, #readonly_data?, #referenced_objects, #remove_class, #set_count, #set_join_element_id, #set_page_count, #set_polymorphic_join_element_id, #set_string, #special_class?, #store

Methods included from Utils

#remove_file, #remove_files, #remove_files_but, #report_progress

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Rod::AbstractDatabase