

simple roman numerals from 1 to 3999


roman_monkey is a set of simple tools for formatting the numbers from 1 to 3999 as roman numerals, as well as, converting and validating the roman numerals themselves.


Object instance methods

require 'roman_monkey'
# or require 'fast_roman_monkey'
#   for pre calculated roman numerals

:roman? # is it a roman numeral?, :roman_to_i equivalent

irb prompt> require 'roman_monkey'
 => true
irb prompt> 1999.i_to_roman
irb prompt> '1999 was a good year'.i_to_roman
irb prompt> "MCMXCIX".roman_to_i
 => 1999
irb prompt> :MCMXCIX.roman_to_i
 => 1999
irb prompt> 'LD'.roman?
 => nil 
irb prompt> 'CDL'.roman?
 => 450 
irb prompt> 4000.i_to_roman
 => nil 
irb prompt> 0.i_to_roman
 => nil 

Simplest usage

require 'roman_numeral'
# for :i_to_roman module method

irb prompt> require 'roman_numeral'
 => true
irb prompt> RomanNumeral.i_to_roman 3888

To add roman numeral validation

require 'slow_roman'
# for :roman_to_i module method
# or require 'fast_roman'
#   for pre calculated roman numerals

irb prompt> require 'slow_roman'
 => true
irb prompt> RomanNumeral.i_to_roman 3888
irb prompt> RomanNumeral.roman_to_i "MMMDCCCLXXXVIII"
 => 3888


Most likely any recent version of 1.9 ruby works.

Test with rspec ~> 2.11, rspec -fd

Try the software in irb:

irb prompt> load 'spec/support/roman_test.rb'

Note, to find the gem installation directory:

irb prompt> require 'roman_monkey'
irb prompt> $".grep(/roman_monkey/)[0]
irb prompt>
irb prompt> exit


Copyright (c) 2013 Bardi Einarsson. Released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for further details.