.=title: README
.?lastupdated: $Date$

.$ About

Rook is a tool for SCM such as Make, Rake, Ant, and so on.
Rook is inspired by Cook which is made by Peter Miller.

.$ Installation

Just copy bin/rook file into a proper directory such as
/usr/local/bin or /usr/bin.

.$ Usage

Install Rook and type `rook --help'.

.$ Terms

.[ Product ]
Product is an output of cooking.

.[ Ingredient ]
Ingredient is materials needed for cooking.

.[ Recipe ]
Recipe is a method how to cook product.

.[ Generic recipe ]
Generic recipe is a recipe whose product is
specified as regular expression.

.[ Specific recipe ]
Specific recipe is a recipe whose product is
specified as filename.

.[ Symbolic recipe ]
Symbolic recipe is a recipe whose product is
specified as Symbol.

.$ Example

See `examples/' directory.

.$ To Do

.* [_] Documentation
.* [_] Fingerprint support
.* [_] Dependency Tree
.* [_] Plugin architecture

.$ License

GPL ver2

.$ Copyright

Copyright(c) makoto kuwata all rights reserved