Roomer is a multitenant framework for Rails using PostgreSQL
Multitenant Data Strategy
While there are several strategies for multi-tenancy, Roomer uses PostgreSQL's schemas (namespaces) to achieve its goal. You can use Roomer if your application has the below characteristics:
- Each Tenant's data has be to be private to the Tenant.
- No (or minimal) requirement to run cross-tenant queries.
Each Tenant's data is stored in separate schema and shared data is stored in a "global" schema accessible to all the Tenants.
PostgreSQL "Schemas"
A database in PostgreSQL contains one or more named schemas, which in turn contain tables. Schemas also contain other kinds of named objects, including data types, functions, and operators. The same object name can be used in different schemas without conflict; for example, both schema1 and myschema may contain tables named mytable. Unlike databases, schemas are not rigidly separated: a user may access objects in any of the schemas in the database he is connected to, if he has privileges to do so.
More information at
Roomer currently in pre-release and only supports Rails 3. In your Gemfile insert the below and run "bundle install"
gem 'roomer', :git => "git://"
After you install Roomer and add it to your Gemfile, you need to run the generator. Roomer will use default values "tenant" for Tenant scoped models and "global" for shared models. If you'd like to override the defaults use the optional parameters
rails generate roomer:install
The generator will install an initializer under config/initializers/roomer.rb which describes ALL Roomer’s configuration options and you MUST take a look at it.
After you've done the necessary config changes to the initializer, run the setup:
rails generate roomer:setup
Running Migrations
The setup will generate migrations under db/migrate/[shared_shema_name], by default it should be db/migrate/global. You need to run the shared migrations to setup the tenant tables
rake roomer:shared:migrate
This will run migrations under db/migrate. If you set the "config.use_tenanted_migrations_directory" parameter to true, it should run the migrations under db/migrate/[tenant_table_name]/*
rake roomer:tenanted:migrate
To run both shared and tenanted use:
rake roomer:migrate
To enable Roomer on your models, simply call the roomer method and specify the type in your Model Class definition:
class Orders < ActiveRecord::Base
roomer :tenanted
Roomer supports types of scoped models
- shared: shared by all tenants
- tenanted: scoped to a tenant
Roomer also provides generators
rails generate roomer:model user name:string email:string
Optionally, you can specify --shared flag to generate a shared model
rails generate roomer:model organizations name:string desc:string --shared
Migrations are similar, defaulting to the global schema, or optionally --shared for tenanted migration
rails generate roomer:migration AddPhoneToPerson phone:string
rails generate roomer:migration AddPhoneToPerson phone:string --shared