Rosey keeps your house clean!
Rosey is a robotic housekeeper for your HTML5 based apps.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'rosey'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install rosey
Add rosey to your Rakefile
and set it up with your own configuration:
require 'rosey/tasks/all'
$GO = ENV['GO'] || "go"
$FOREMAN = ENV['FOREMAN'] || "foreman"
$PUBLIC_DIR ||= "public"
$PRODUCTION_BRANCH ||= "production"
Now specify custom tasks you'd like to have:
desc "Starts application server."
task :server => :install do
sh "#{$FOREMAN} start"
desc "Rebuilds backend application."
task :build do
sh "#{$GO} build ."
desc "Runs all tests against backend."
task :test do
sh "#{$GO} test ./..."
# *snip*
Specify your deployment strategy tasks too. Here's an example of deploying app to heroku.
namespace :deploy do
task :push do
sh "#{$GIT} push heroku #{$PRODUCTION_BRANCH}:master"
task :prepare => :default
Task prepare
will be invoked just before creating new release,
and push
will be invoked just afterword.
Assets packaging
Rosey provides neat tasks for assets packaging and development. You can compile assets with the following task:
$ rake assets:precompile
This command reads assets configuration from config/assets.yml
file, which is standard Jammit config file.
You can also specify DEV
option to execute it in development mode:
$ rake assets:precompile DEV=1
This can be combined with ERb powered Jammit's configuration:
<% if ENV['DEV'] == '1' %>
compress_assets: off
embed_assets: off
gzip_assets: off
<% else %>
compress_assets: on
embed_assets: datauri
gzip_assets: true
<% end %>
# *snip*
To speed up development you can keep watching for assets changes. Add
following Guardfile
to your project:
guard :livereload do
watch %r{public/.*$}
guard :shell do
watch %r{^((assets/(.+/)?.+\.(js|jst|css))|(config/assets.yml))$} do |m|
system 'rake assets:precompile DEV=1'
n "Assets recompiled (changed files: #{m.join(', ')})"
Now start guard with command:
$ rake assets:watch
To start working with deployment features, you must create a production branch in your repo first:
$ git checkout -b production
Next, you must remove precompiled assets locations from your .gitignore
and create a version file:
$ echo 0 > VERSION
Now just commit and push those changes, and go back to master.
$ git add .gitignore VERSION
$ git commit -m "prepared production branch"
$ git push production master
From now on you can use deployment tasks provided by Rosey:
$ rake deploy
This task will build your app (or run tests), precompile assets, commit changes to production branch and push them both to the repository and to the server.
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Added some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request