
Ruby Scalr API implementation.


Rscalr allows your Ops team to build on top of the Scalr API using Ruby. This is particularly beneficial due to the popularity of Chef, a cloud management software suite also written in Ruby.

Rscalr provides both a low-level client implementation, as well as a more user-friendly domain object layer. Here are some brief examples of how to interact with each API mode.


Rscalr is available on RubyGems so installing it is simply:

gem install rscalr

Client Usage

require 'rscalr'
scalr ={ :key_id => 'your-key-id', :key_secret => 'your-key-secret' })
# list all farms
api_response = scalr.farms_list
# Response objects exted REXML::Document, so you can work with them easily
api_repsonse.pretty_print # Pretty-prints the response XML to a stream ($stdout by default)

Domain Model Usage

require 'rscalr'
dashboard ={ :key_id => 'your-key-id', :key_secret => 'your-key-secret' })
farm = dashboard.get_farm 'my-farm-name'
script = dashboard.get_script 'my-script-name'
# execute the script on all instances in the farm (see Script.rb for all options)


If you use this tool a lot from the command line, you can set environment variables that will automagically configure your Scalr or Dashboard instance. The following code sets the relevant parameters:

export SCALR_API_KEY=your-api-key
export SCALR_API_SECRET=your-api-secret
export SCALR_URL=scalr-api-url, optional, default=
export SCALR_ENV_ID=id-of-desired-environment # optional
export SCALR_CLIENT_VERBOSE=true # Print API calls/responses to stdout, optional, default=false

Then just instaniate your client:

scalr =
# or
dash =


This client library contains the complete API, but has not been thoroughly tested. The domain model is incomplete and a work in progress. Feel free to submit pull requests and/or suggestions. I am not an experienced Rubyist, so if you see anything in the source that makes you cringe, by all means let me know!