Tests Gem Version


A rspec matcher for Rail's ActiveRecord, to check the type of models created from actions.


Add the gem to your Gemfile

  gem 'rspec_create_model', github: 'monade/rspec_create_model'

Example usage

Given the following records:

class Author < ActiveRecord::Base
  attribute :name, type: :String
  has_many :articles, dependent: :destroy

  after_create :create_empty_book

  def create_empty_book
    Book.create!(author_id: id, title: "First Empty Book")

class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :author, optional: false
  attribute :title, type: :String

You can match created records like this:

expect { Author.create!(name: "Some author name") }.to create_model(Author)

expect { Author.create!(name: "Some author name") }
  .to create_model(Author)
  .and create_model(Book)

When the matcher is called, 2 instace variable get set: @created_record and @created_records

these variables includes the newly created records. You can also use them if you want, like this:

expect { Author.create!(name: "Some author name") }.to create_model(Author)

expect(@created_record).to be_a(Author)
expect(@created_records).to all(be_a(Author))