# rspec_gandalf

Because some objects shall not pass.

## Installation

Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'rspec_gandalf'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rspec_gandalf

## Usage

  1. Create a file named “gandalf_test.rb”

  2. Put this:


# coding: utf-8 require ‘rspec_gandalf’

class Balrog;end;

class Men;end;

class Hobbit;end;

class TrollRog < Balrog;end;

class PretaGil < Balrog;end;

describe Men do

it { shall pass }


describe Balrog do

it { shall pass }


describe TrollRog do

it { shall pass }


describe PretaGil do

it { shall_not pass }



  1. Test it

    $ rspec gandalf_test.rb
  2. See the result

    1) Balrog
     Failure/Error: it { shall pass }
       ATTENTION: Balrog is a flame of Udun and SHALL NOT PASS.
    2) TrollRog
     Failure/Error: it { shall pass }
       RUN YOU FOOL. Your disguise doesn't trick me.
       ATTENTION: TrollRog is a flame of Udun and SHALL NOT PASS
    4 examples, 2 failures
    Failed examples:
    rspec ./test.rb:19 # Balrog
    rspec ./test.rb:23 # TrollRog