
Ruby interface to the openbabel ruby bindings (or the openbabel gem). The interface attempts to be a ruby-ish analogue of pybel.


Rubabel.foreach("file.sdf") do |mol|
  print mol.write  # -> canonical smiles: "smiles_string\tname\n"
  puts mol  # .to_s -> canonical smiles string with no name or newline
  puts mol.exact_mass

uniq_atom_types = Rubabel.foreach("file.mol").map(&:type).uniq


First, many thanks to Andreas Maunz for packaging openbabel as a gem which makes this install quite painless.

Quick Install

On a POSIX system, make sure you have openbabel (including header files), cmake, curl, tar, sed and make see openbabel instructions. On ubuntu/debian:

sudo apt-get install openbabel libopenbabel-dev cmake make curl

Then install the gem (which should install the openbabel gem, too):

gem install rubabel

Building from Source

  1. download openbabel

  2. swap out Init_OpenBabel for Init_openbabel in scripts/ruby/openbabel-ruby.cpp (see here). Some versions have this fixed already, apparently.

  3. make sure you have the right to compile(

Here’s a complete example of compiling for a single user on Ubuntu 11.10 and probably will be generally forward compatible for some time. This will compile bindings on whichever ruby comes up with ‘/usr/bin/env ruby’:

# install the dependencies:
sudo apt-get install libeigen2-dev cmake libwxgtk2.8-dev libxml2-dev libcairo2-dev
# unpack it:
tar -xzvf openbabel-2.3.1.tar.gz
# swap out buggy lines in ruby bindings:
sed -i 's/Init_OpenBabel/Init_openbabel/g' openbabel-2.3.1/scripts/ruby/openbabel-ruby.cpp
# make a separate build directory for building in:
mkdir build-rvmruby1.9.3
cd build-rvmruby1.9.3
mkdir ~/tools
cmake ../openbabel-2.3.1 -DRUBY_BINDINGS=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/tools/openbabel-rvmruby1.9.3
make && make install
I still need to make directions to install the gem on top of a build from source

MIT License. See LICENSE for further details.