
A command–line utility for refactoring planning. It uses .rubocop_todo.yml and git history to prioritize a list of refactorings that can bring the most value.



  • git repo;
  • generated .rubocop_todo.yml.

Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing:

$ bundle add rubocop_director


First of all, create the initial config file based on .rubocop_todo.yml:

bundle exec rubocop-director --generate-config

Optionally adjust weights in the config:

  1. update_weight means how important the fact that file was recently updated;
  2. default_cop_weight will be used in case when weight for a specific cop is not set;
  3. weights contains weights for specific cops.

You can use any numbers you want, but I think it's better to stick with something from 0 to 1.

Build the report:

bundle exec rubocop-director

As a result you'll get something like this:

💡 Checking git history since 1995-01-01 to find hot files...
💡🎥 Running rubocop to get the list of offences to fix...
💡🎥🎬 Calculating a list of files to refactor...

Path: app/controllers/user_controller.rb
Updated 99 times since 2023-01-01
  🚓 Rails/SomeCop - 2
Refactoring value: 1.5431217598108933 (54.79575%)

Path: app/models/user.rb
Updated 136 times since 2023-01-01
  🚓 Rails/SomeCop - 1
  🚓 Rails/AnotherCop - 1
Refactoring value: 1.2730122208719792 (45.20425%)

Want a different output format (e.g., CSV)? Let me know, open an issue!

Value is calculated using a formula: sum of value from each cop (<count of offences> * <cop weight> * (<count of file updates> / <total count of updates>) ** <update weight>).

If you need to count updates from a specific date—use --since:

bundle exec rubocop-director --since=2023-01-01


After checking out the repo, run bundle install to install dependencies


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.