Ruby/ActiveLdap – ruby library for object-oriented LDAP interction Copyright © 2004-2006 Will Drewry <[email protected]>, Kouhei Sutou <[email protected]> Contributors:

* Dick Davies <[email protected]>
* Nathan Kinder <[email protected]>
* Patrick Cole <[email protected]>
* Google Inc.

DESCRIPTION ‘Ruby/ActiveLdap’ is a ruby extension library which provides a clean objected oriented interface to the Ruby/LDAP library. It was inspired by ActivRecord. This is not nearly as clean or as flexible as ActiveRecord, but it is still trivial to define new objects and manipulate them with minimal difficulty.

For example and usage - read the rdoc in doc/ from lib/activeldap.rb. It is also available on the web at:


* Ruby 1.8.x [1]
* Ruby/LDAP [0]
* Log4r [4]
* ActiveRecord [2]
* (Optional) Ruby/LDAP+GSSAPI [3]
* An LDAP server compatible with Ruby/LDAP: OpenLDAP, etc


* Only GSSAPI SASL support exists due to Ruby/LDAP limitations
* The API is subject to change as this package slowly approaches 1.0.0


- Edit active_ldap/configuration.rb with your LDAP preferences
- Run -
  sudo rake install


There is a small rails plugin included that allows the use of a file named ‘ldap.yml’ in the config directory of your rails app. This file has a similar function to the ‘database.yml’ file that allows you to set your database connection settings per environment. Similarly, the ldap.yml file allows settings to be set for development, test, and production environments. For instance, the development entry would look something like the following:

  port: 389
  base: dc=localhost
  bind_dn: cn=admin,dc=localhost
  password: secret

To install, simply copy the rails/plugin/active_ldap folder into the vendor/plugins directory of your rails application and create config/ldap.yml. When your application starts up, the plugin will call #establish_connection using the parameters specified for your current environment.


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it. It is dual licensed under Ruby’s license and under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.

Please see the file LICENSE for the terms of the licence.




This list may not be correct. If you notice mistakes of this list, please point out.

  • Nobody: Bug reports.

  • James Hughes: Bug reports and advices and documentations.

  • Buzz Chopra: Documentations.

  • Christoph Lipp: Bug reports.

  • Jeff Hall: Bug reports.

  • Ernie Miller: Bug reports and advices.

  • Daniel Pfile: Patches.

  • Jacob Wilkins: Bug reports.

  • Ace Suares:

    • Bug reports.

    • Nederlands translations.

  • Iain Pople: Bug reports and API improvement ideas.

  • Christoph Lipp: Tell us character escape syntax.

  • Kevin McCarthy: Patches.

  • Perry Smith: Patches and bug reports.