Module: BBCode::Tags

Included in:
Defined in:

Constant Summary collapse

@@tags =

tagname => tag, HTML open tag, HTML close tag, description, example

  :b => {
    :html_open => '<strong>', :html_close => '</strong>',
    :description => 'Make text bold',
    :example => 'This is [b]bold[/b].'},
  :i => {
    :html_open => '<em>', :html_close => '</em>',
    :description => 'Make text italic',
    :example => 'This is [i]italic[/i].'},
  :u => {
    :html_open => '<u>', :html_close => '</u>',
    :description => 'Underline text',
    :example => 'This is [u]underlined[/u].'},
  :s => {
    :html_open => '<span style="text-decoration:line-through;">', :html_close => '</span>',
    :description => 'Strike-through text',
    :example => 'This is [s]wrong[/s] good.'},
  :center => {
    :html_open => '<div style="text-align:center;">', :html_close => '</div>',
    :description => 'Center a text',
    :example => '[center]This is centered[/center].'},
  :ul => {
    :html_open => '<ul>', :html_close => '</ul>',
    :description => 'Unordered list',
    :example => '[ul][li]List item[/li][li]Another list item[/li][/ul].',
    :only_allow => [ :li ]},
  :ol => {
    :html_open => '<ol>', :html_close => '</ol>',
    :description => 'Ordered list',
    :example => '[ol][li]List item[/li][li]Another list item[/li][/ol].',
    :only_allow => [ :li ]},
  :li => {
    :html_open => '<li>', :html_close => '</li>',
    :description => 'List item',
    :example => '[ul][li]List item[/li][li]Another list item[/li][/ul].',
    :only_in => [ :ul, :ol ]},
  :img => {
    :html_open => '<img src="%between%" %width%%height%alt="" />', :html_close => '',
    :description => 'Image',
    :example => '[img][/img].',
    :only_allow => [],
    :require_between => true,
    :allow_tag_param => true, :allow_tag_param_between => false,
    :tag_param => /^(\d*)x(\d*)$/, 
    :tag_param_tokens => [{:token => :width, :prefix => 'width="', :postfix => '" ' }, 
                          { :token => :height,  :prefix => 'height="', :postfix => '" ' } ],
    :tag_param_description => 'The image parameters \'%param%\' are incorrect, <width>x<height> excepted'},
  :url => {
    :html_open => '<a href="%url%">%between%', :html_close => '</a>',
    :description => 'Link to another page',
    :example => '[url][/url].',
    :only_allow => [],
    :require_between => true,
    :allow_tag_param => true, :allow_tag_param_between => true,
    :tag_param => /^((((http|https|ftp):\/\/)|\/).+)$/, :tag_param_tokens => [{ :token => :url }],
    :tag_param_description => 'The URL should start with http:// https://, ftp:// or /, instead of \'%param%\'' },
  :quote => {
    :html_open => '<div class="quote">%author%', :html_close => '</div>',
    :description => 'Quote another person',
    :example => '[quote]BBCode is great[/quote]',
    :allow_tag_param => true, :allow_tag_param_between => false,
    :tag_param => /(.*)/, 
    :tag_param_tokens => [{:token => :author, :prefix => '<strong>', :postfix => ' wrote:</strong>'}]},
  :size => {
    :html_open => '<span style="font-size: %size%px;">', :html_close => '</span>',
    :description => 'Change the size of the text',
    :example => '[size=32]This is 32px[/size]',
    :allow_tag_param => true, :allow_tag_param_between => false,
    :tag_param => /(\d*)/, 
    :tag_param_tokens => [{:token => :size}]},
  :color => {
    :html_open => '<span style="color: %color%;">', :html_close => '</span>',
    :description => 'Change the color of the text',
    :example => '[color=red]This is red[/color]',
    :allow_tag_param => true, :allow_tag_param_between => false,
    :tag_param => /(([a-z]+)|(#[0-9a-f]{6}))/i, 
    :tag_param_tokens => [{:token => :color}]},
  :youtube => {
    :html_open => '<object width="400" height="325"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="400" height="325"></embed></object>', :html_close => '',
    :description => 'Youtube video',
    :example => '[youtube]E4Fbk52Mk1w[/youtube]',
    :only_allow => [],
    :require_between => true},
  :gvideo => {
    :html_open => '<embed id="VideoPlayback" src="" style="width:400px; height:325px;" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed>', :html_close => '',
    :description => 'Google video',
    :example => '[gvideo]397259729324681206[/gvideo]',
    :only_allow => [],
    :require_between => true},