
A ruby gem to communicate with Microsoft Push Notification Service.


From the commande line:

gem install ruby-mpns

Or in your gemfile:

gem 'ruby-mpns'


To use it just use the singleton MicrosoftPushNotificationService like the following:

    uri = ""

    options = {
        title: "Hello !",
        content: "Hello Push Notification.",
        params: {
            any_data: 2,
            another_key: "Hum..."

    # response is an Net::HTTP object
    reponse = MicrosoftPushNotificationService.send_notification uri, :toast, options

See sample/sample_usage.rb for more samples.


Toast notification

The following notification parameters can be defined in the options hash for :toast:

  • title - the title
  • content - the content
  • params - a hash that will be transformed into key1=value1&key2=value2...

Raw notification

You can pass whatever hash you want and an XML will be generated, like the following:


Tile notification

The following notification parameters can be defined in the options hash for :tile:

  • title - the title
  • count - the badge to display on the app tile
  • background_image - the path to a local image embedded in the app or an image accessible via HTTP (.jpg or .png, 173x137px, max 80kb)
  • back_title - the title when the tile is flipped
  • back_background_image - the path to a local image embedded in the app or an image accessible via HTTP (.jpg or .png, 173x137px, max 80kb)
  • back_content - the content when the tile is flipped
  • navigation_uri (optional) - the exact navigation URI for the tile to update, only needed if you wish to update a secondary tile


For general information about Push Notification on Windows Phone check the MSDN.

How to contribute ?

Missing features

  • Support HTTPS
  • Support sending raw notification data in other formats like text, bytes or JSON
  • Add an ActiveRecord extension (acts_as_microsoft_pushable)



Copyright (c) 2012 Nicolas VERINAUD. Released under the MIT license.