What is this ?
I needed an interface to Supervisor, a python alternative to daemontools amongst others and since I did not found any in ruby I made mine !
Instead of blindly mapping the XML-RPC methods I decided to built an API which feels more like a native ruby API than an ugly java like thing.
require 'ruby-supervisor'
client = RubySupervisor::Client.new('', 9001,
:user => 'user',
:password => 'secret'
process = client.process('collectd')
puts "You are running supervisor version #{client.version}"
p process.state
# => :running
p process.logs.read(0, 21)
# => "some line of 21 bytes"
- clone the repository
- run "bundle"
- run "bundle exec guard" to automatically run tests on changes
- run "bundle exec rake rspec" to run all specs
Supported versions
- ruby 1.9.2
- ruby 1.8.7