
Ruby wrapper for Gate API v1.11

This is not Merchant API

Documentation for API is here: pdf and here:

Documentation for this gem:


  • 100% of API methods implemented
  • 100% test coverage
  • tests perform real interactions with Payler API via Capybara and PhantomJs
  • tests work fast and offline with VCR cassettes
  • battle-tested at, more than 200000 payments processed


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

ruby gem 'ruby_payler'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install ruby_payler

General considerations on usage

  • All methods return mashified response.body, see Hashie::Mash
  • Some parameters to methods are not required. Omit if you don’t need them.


```ruby # Require Constants to use them require RubyPayler::Constants

Create and initialize RubyPayler object with payler credentials

payler = host: ‘sandbox’, key: ‘aaaa-bbbb-ccc-ddd-eeeee’, password: ‘AaaBBbccC’ )

Start session to pay given order

session_id = payler.start_session( order_id: ‘order-12345’, type: SESSION_TYPES[:two_step], # one_step, two_step cents: 111, currency: CURRENCIES[:rub], # rub, usd, eur lang: LANGUAGES[:ru], # ru, en product: ‘Product name’, # not required userdata: ‘any data string to get later via get_advanced_status’, # not required ).session_id

Get url of payment page and redirect user to it

redirect_to payler.pay_page_url(session_id)

User paid for order and Payler redirects it back to shop

status = payler.get_status(order_id) # status.status = RESPONSE_STATUSES[:authorized] for successfull TwoStep payment # status.status = RESPONSE_STATUSES[:charged] for successfull OneStep payment

More data, including passed userdata

status = payler.get_advanced_status(order_id)

Charge authorized money for TwoStep payment

payler.charge(order_id, order_amount) # status => RESPONSE_STATUSES[:charged]

Retrieve authorized money for TwoStep payment

payler.retrieve(order_id, order_amount) # status => RESPONSE_STATUSES[reversed]

Refund already charged money

payler.refund(order_id, order_amount) # status => RESPONSE_STATUSES[refunded] ```

See tests for more usage examples


In case of any error RubyPayler raises RubyPayler::Error. There are three child types of Errors: - ResponseError - for responses with error in body - NetworkError - for failed network request - UnexpectedResponseError - for responses with status != 200 but without error in body

All RubyPayler errors have methods code, message and to_s

Examples of errors to_s: - ResponseError: Payler responded with error: Invalid amount of the transaction., code 1 - NetworkError: NetworkError occured while performing request to Payler: #<Faraday::Error: Faraday::Error> - UnexpectedResponseError: Unexpected response: code - 503, body -


Tests make real calls to web API.

Cool, because it really test workflows of interaction with payler equiring via ruby_payler gem. If payler API changes, tests will brake. So, if all tests are passing, tandem of payler and gem is working fine.

Payment step in tests is automated with Capybara and PhantomJS (cool as well).

You can also switch to make Payment step by hand via ENV variable.

bash REFRESH_CAPYBARA=1 rake test # Regenerate VCR-cassettes using capybara to pay REFRESH_BY_HAND=1 rake test # Regenerate VCR-cassettes paying by hand

After VCR-cassettes are saved launch rake test for fast test run


Current test coverage is 100%

To rebuild coverage report use COVERAGE=1 rake test command


Make file config.yml by copying config_example.yml

Fill in your Payler key, password, host

Fill test card number, vaild_till, code, name for automated payment by capybara

Note on Pay method

This gem has methods pay_page_url instead of pay method, mentioned in Payler docs.

This is due to a fact that pay method does in fact return payment page url, and does not do any paying.


To run automated tests with capybara install PhantomJS (brew install phantomjs on MacOS)

To experiment with that code, run bin/console for an interactive prompt.

After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.




The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.