
TFS.rb is a wapper around the odata API for TFS


This wrapper is mostly a shell around the ruby_odata gem to provide a "kinder"api specific to TFS and the capabilities within. If you want to get access beyond what this api provides, you can simply access the TFS::Client.connection object and run direct queries against odata, though if you want that kind of flexibility, it's probably better just got straight to the ruby_odata gem and skip this wrapper.


The TFS OData api supports the following object types:

  • Builds
  • Build Definitions
  • Changesets
  • Changes
  • Branches
  • WorkItems
  • Attachments
  • Links
  • Projects
  • Queries
  • AreaPaths
  • IterationPaths

Currently, we support the following (due to my own purposes) with plans to further support the rest as well:

  • Builds
  • Changesets
  • WorkItems
  • Projects
  • WorkItems


All queries require a call to #run to finalize the query. This also makes it possible in most cases where you are defining a query to instead use #to_query to see the actual url-based query that will be run.


While the api for ruby_tfs looks similar to Rails' ActiveRecord api, it is not meant to be an exact translation. The base type objects (TFS::Builds, TFS::Projects, etc) are setup to follow more of the Repository pattern rather than an ORM-like pattern. The objects returned from the repository are actually from the ruby_odata library, which is a core dependency of this project. The odata lib does a great job of representing the OData… data, so I felt no need to re-wrap in a secondary set of layers. This opionon may change depending on the direction of the ruby_data project.


The query engine currently works against the actual OData api. Eventually it'd be great to have a more "Ruby Way™" of doing this by doing some sort of query compilation between a Ruby DSL and the OData api. That will come in time.


  • Thanks to Damien White (visoft) for his ruby_odata wrapper. It made this project very painless to write.
  • Thanks to Microsoft for allowing an OData wrapper to exist for TFS. It makes writing third-party, non .NET apps much more fun. Go open source!


Apache v2

See the file for more details.