= protoruby

* http://rubyvis.rubyforge.org/


Ruby port of Protovis[http://vis.stanford.edu/protovis/], a great visualization toolkit


Implemented: All marks, except transient, image and transition.

Basic protovis examples[http://vis.stanford.edu/protovis/ex/] works exactly like ruby ones with minor sintactic modifications:
* Area Charts: Ok
* Bar & Column Charts: Ok
* Scatterplots: Ok
* Pie & Donut: Interaction with mouse not implemented
* Line & Step Charts: Ok
* Stacked Charts: Ok
* Grouped Charts: Ok.

Complex examples requires more works:

* antibiotics: Ok
* barley: Ok
* crimea: line and grouped line ok.

I try to maintain, when posible, complete compatibility with Javascript API, including camel case naming of functions. Johnson [http://github.com/jbarnette/johnson] - the lovely Javascript wrapper inside Ruby embrace - is our friend to test implementation of basic object.

Until version 0.1.0, lambdas should always should created explicitly for method you may be temted to call it with a block.

On a second stage, traditional block calling could be using maintaining backwards compatibily with Javascript API. See TODO section for proposal of new API.

User could use +pv+ freely, cause is defined as a global method which call Rubyvis.


* pv.js
* pv-internals.js
* color/Color.js (incomplete)
* color/Colors.js
* data/Arrays.js
* data/Numbers.js
* data/Scale.js
* data/LinearScale.js
* data/LogScale.js (incomplete)
* data/Nest.js
* data/QuantitativeScale.js
* data/OrdinalScale.js
* mark/Anchor.js
* mark/Area.js
* mark/Bar.js
* mark/Dot.js
* mark/Label.js
* mark/Line.js
* mark/Mark.js
* mark/Panel.js
* mark/Rule.js
* mark/Wedge.js
* scene/SvgBar.js
* scene/SvgLabel.js
* scene/SvgLine.js
* scene/SvgPanel.js
* scene/SvgRule.js
* scene/SvgScene.js
* text/Format.js (incomplete)
* text/NumberFormat.js (incomplete)


require 'rubyvis'

vis = Rubyvis::Panel.new.width(150).height(150);
vis.add(pv.Bar).data([1, 1.2, 1.7, 1.5, 0.7, 0.3]).
height(lambda {|d| d * 80}).
left(lambda * 25);
puts vis.to_svg

See examples directory for original protovis examples adaptations.


Implement a ruby-like API, like ReportBuilder[http://ruby-statsample.rubyforge.org/reportbuilder/] or Prawn [http://prawn.majesticseacreature.com/docs/]

The examples/area.rb script should like somethink like that

require 'rubyvis'
vis = Rubyvis::Panel.new width w
height h
bottom 20
left 20
right 10
top 5
# Y-axis
rule {
data y.ticks(5)
bottom y
stroke_style {|d| d!=0 ? "#eee" : "#000"
anchor("left") {
label {
text y.tick_format
# X-axis
rule data x.ticks
visible {|d| d!=0
left x
bottom -5
height -5
label(:anchor=>'bottom') { # shortcut to create a mark inside an anchor
text x.tick_format

# The area with top line.
area data(data)
bottom 1
left {|d| x.scale(d.x)
height {|d| y.scale(d.y)}
fill_style "rgb(121,173,210)"
line(:anchor=>"top") {
line_width 3

puts vis.to_svg


Ruby 1.8.7 or 1.9.1


$ sudo gem install rubyvis