= rufus-eval
The gem 'rufus-eval' is providing eval_safely() and instance_eval_safely(). The "safely" qualifier comes from playing with the $SAFE level.
Hopefully in the near future, something like a sandbox will be used to eval code 'safely'... Playing with Ruby2Ruby would be another alternative. Ruby 1.9 will maybe yield a decent answer to that code security issue.
This rufus-eval currently doesn't work with JRuby (which doesn't respect the safe levels). The JRuby team is working closely with the Ruby team, so, waiting for future releases of [J]Ruby.
== getting it
sudo gem install rufus-eval
or at
== usage
require 'rubygems'
require 'rufus/eval'
Rufus::eval_safely "5 * 5", 4
# => 25
class Toto
Rufus::instance_eval_safely Toto.new, "@toto_name='surf'", 4
# => Insecure: can't modify instance variable (SecurityError)
t = Rufus::eval_safely "class Toto\ndef to_s\n"ok"; end; Toto.new", 4
# => extending class prohibited (SecurityError)
# ...
The two methods provided are eval_safely and instance_eval_safely. Both take at least a string of source code and a safety level (2 to 4) as arguments.
The instance_eval_safely method takes an instance as first argument (the eval will be done in the 'context' of that instance).
The eval_safely method takes a last optional argument, usually filled with the local binding()
def my_eval_method
a = 3
b = 7
Rufus::eval_safely("a * b", 4, binding())
= dependencies
== mailing list
On the rufus-ruby list[http://groups.google.com/group/rufus-ruby] :
== issue tracker
== source
svn checkout http://rufus.rubyforge.org/svn/trunk/eval
== author
John Mettraux, jmettraux@gmail.com
== license