

Easily generate munin plugins to monitor and provide email alerts for your site.


gem install ruminate


Refer to for information on setting up Rumx Beans and a Rumx mount for your application.

Create a file config/ruminate.yml that might look as follows:

rumx_mount:       /rumx
username:         myusername
password:         mypassword
host:             localhost
port:             3000
smtp_host:        localhost
ruby_shebang:     /usr/bin/env ruby
munin_plugin_dir: /etc/munin/plugins
  :techstaff:  [email protected] [email protected]
  :my_test:    [email protected]

Add Rumx beans for the parts of the app that you want to monitor. For instance, you might add the following lines to app/models/my_model.rb:

class MyModel
  @@timer =
  Rumx::Bean.root.add_child(:Timer, @@timer)
  def my_expensive_and_error_prone_operation
    @@timer.measure do
      ... expensive, possible exception-raising stuff here

Create a directory config/ruminate and put yaml files representing the monitoring that you want to perform. For instance, you might create the file config/ruminate/my_model.yml that looks as follows (All of the fields prefixed with graph_ and under plots are related to munin fields, see the munin documentation for what those mean. The others should be fairly self explanatory):

  - :name: times
    :query: Timer?reset=true
    :graph_title: MyModel Times
    :graph_args: --base 1000 -l 0
    :graph_vlabel: msec
    :graph_info: This graph monitors the times for MyModels expensive operation.
      - :label: avg
        :info: Average time of request
        :draw: LINE
        :field: avg_time
      - :label: min
        :info: Min time of request
        :draw: LINE
        :field: min_time
      - :label: max
        :info: Max time of request
        :draw: LINE
        :field: max_time
      - :title: MyModel average times exceeded their threshold
        :filter: avg_time > 1000
        :email: :techstaff
  - :name: counts
    :query: Timer
    :graph_title: MyModel Total and Error counts
    :graph_vlabel: count
    :graph_info: This graph shows the total counts and errors for MyModel.
      - :label: total
        :info: Total count of requests
        :draw: LINE
        :field: total_count
      - :label: errors
        :info: Total requests that created an exception
        :draw: LINE
        :field: error_count
      - :title: MyModel failures exceeded threshold
        :filter: error_count > 20
        :email: :techstaff

When you deploy, perform the following:

rake ruminate:create_plugins
sudo rake ruminate:create_links
sudo /etc/init.d/munin-node restart


Too much repitition. Create templates for plot stuff in timers, etc.

Make sure the example above actually works.


Brad Pardee

Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Clarity Services. See LICENSE for details.