== RuMplayer

Given you and (at least) one of your buddies want to watch movies together, but on different devices which may be located (very) far from each other.

With RuMplayer you can watch them simultaneously without having to leave your comfy home.

== Requirements

  • a public server where you can install RuMplayer an run the server.
  • all your buddies must have a copy of the movie to watch.

== Installation

(sudo) gem install gemcutter
(sudo) gem tumble
(sudo) gem install rumplayer


Now, edit ~/.rumplayer.yml and add

== Usage

On the Server run:

rumplayer -v --server

All your buddies wait for the movie to start by running

cd /wherever/the/movie/is/located/

You start the movie by supplying the filename

cd /my/location/of/the/movie
rumplayer movie.mkv

Now all your buddies can pause, seek or stop the movie. All these actions get distributed to all watchers.