
rvm [Flags] [Options] Action [Implementation[,Implementation[,...]]


--head        - with update, updates rvm to git head version.
--rubygems    - with update, updates rubygems for selected ruby
--default     - with 'rvm use X', sets the default ruby for new shells to X.
--debug       - Toggle debug mode on for very verbose output.
--trace       - Toggle trace mode on to see EVERYTHING rvm is doing.
--force       - Force install, removes old install & source before install.
--summary     - Used with rubydo to print out a summary of the commands run.
--latest      - with gemset --dump skips version strings for latest gem.
--gems        - with uninstall/remove removes gems with the interpreter.
--docs        - with install, attempt to generate ri after installation.
--reconfigure - Force ./configure on install even if Makefile already exists.


-v|--version    - Emit rvm version loaded for current shell
-l|--level      - patch level to use with rvm use / install
   --prefix     - path for all rvm files (~/.rvm/), with trailing slash!
   --bin        - path for binaries to be placed (~/.rvm/bin/)
-S              - Specify a script file to attempt to load and run (rubydo)
-e              - Execute code from the command line.
--gems          - Used to set the 'gems_flag', use with 'remove' to remove gems
--archive       - Used to set the 'archive_flag', use with 'remove' to remove archive
--patch         - With MRI Rubies you may specify one or more full paths to patches
                  for multiple, specify comma separated:
                  --patch /.../.../a.patch[%prefix],/.../.../.../b.patch
                  'prefix' is an optional argument, which will be bypassed
                  to the '-p' argument of the 'patch' command. It is separated
                  from patch file name with '%' symbol.
-C|--configure  - custom configure options. If you need to pass several configure
                  options then append them comma separated: -C --...,--...,--...
--nice          - process niceness (for slow computers, default 0)
--ree-options   - Options passed directly to ree's './installer' on the command line.
--with-rubies   - Specifies a string for rvm to attempt to expand for set operations.


(Note that for most actions, 'rvm help action-name' may provide more information.)

* usage    - show this usage information
version    - show the rvm version installed in rvm_path
use        - setup current shell to use a specific ruby version
reload     - reload rvm source itself (useful after changing rvm source)
implode    - (seppuku) removes the rvm installation completely.
             This means everything in $rvm_path (~/.rvm).
             This does not touch your profiles, which is why
             there is an if around the sourcing scripts/rvm.
update     - upgrades rvm to the latest version.
             (If you experience bugs try this first with --head)
reset      - remove current and stored default & system settings.
             (If you experience odd behavior try this second)
info       - show the *current* environment information for current ruby
debug      - show info plus additional information for common issues

install    - install one or many ruby versions
             See also:
uninstall  - uninstall one or many ruby versions, leaves their sources
remove     - uninstall one or many ruby versions and remove their sources

migrate    - Lets you migrate all gemsets from one ruby to another.
upgrade    - Lets you upgrade from one version of a ruby to another, including
             migrating your gemsets semi-automatically.

wrapper    - generates a set of wrapper executables for a given ruby with the
             specified ruby and gemset combination. Used under the hood for
             passenger support and the like.

cleanup    - Lets you remove stale source folders / archives and other miscellaneous
             data associated with rvm.
repair     - Lets you repair parts of your environment e.g. wrappers, env files and
             and similar files (e.g. general maintenance).
snapshot   - Lets your backup / restore an rvm installation in a lightweight manner.

disk-usage - Tells you how much disk space rvm install is using.
tools      - Provides general information about the ruby environment,
             primarily useful when scripting rvm.
docs       - Tools to make installing ri and rdoc documentation easier.
rvmrc      - Tools related to managing rvmrc trust and loading.

exec       - runs an arbitrary command as a set operation.
ruby       - runs a named ruby file against specified and/or all rubies
gem        - runs a gem command using selected ruby's 'gem'
rake       - runs a rake task against specified and/or all rubies
tests      - runs 'rake test' across selected ruby versions
specs      - runs 'rake spec' across selected ruby versions
monitor    - Monitor cwd for testing, run `rake {spec,test}` on changes.

gemset     - gemsets:

rubygems   - Lets you switch the installed version of rubygems for a given
             1.8-compatible ruby.

gemdir     - display the path to the current gem directory (GEM_HOME).
srcdir     - display the path to rvm source directory (may be yanked)

fetch      - Performs an archive / src fetch only of the selected ruby.
list       - show currently installed rubies, interactive output.
package    - Install a dependency package {readline,iconv,zlib,openssl}
notes      - Display notes, with operating system specifics.


* ruby    - MRI/YARV Ruby (The Gold Standard) {1.8.6,1.8.7,1.9.1,1.9.2...}
jruby     - JRuby, Ruby interpreter on the Java Virtual Machine.
rbx       - Rubinius
ree       - Ruby Enterprise Edition, MRI Ruby with several custom
            patches for performance, stability, and memory.
macruby   - MacRuby, insanely fast, can make real apps (Mac OS X Only).
maglev    - GemStone Ruby, awesome persistent ruby object store.
ironruby  - IronRuby, NOT supported yet. Looking for volunteers to help.
system    - use the system ruby (eg. pre-rvm state)
default   - use rvm set default ruby and system if it hasn't been set.
